National Bees Atlas was launched by Agriculture and Inegi

The Minister of Agriculture, Supported by National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi)first phase The national atlas of bees and their derivatives To track their care and their impact on nature and the economy.

“It is a project that collects on a website the available information regarding bees, honey and beekeeping activities that take place in Mexico.”

Arturo Macuzzi, General Coordinator of Livestock Resources, issued.

Supported by researchers from Graduate School (FES) Coatetlan, Relevant data has been developed that will allow to maintain bees.

In the world there are 20,000 species of bees and nine families. Photo: quartoscuro.

“There is information that 40% of pollinators, especially species of bees and butterflies, could experience extinction due to various causes at this time.”

Miguel del Avellano, Director of Environment Statistics, Inegi.

In the world there 20 thousand species of bees And Nine families, of which six are in Mexican territory with more than Description of 1800 species. Hence the importance of having this The national atlas of bees and their derivatives.

“About 40 thousand families depend on beekeeping, more than 40 thousand families, as the atlas tells us, and there are two million beehives from Apis mellifera“.

Sol Ortiz, Director of Policy, Exploration and Climate Change, issued.


employment Mexico It is produced annually between – 50 and 65 thousand tons of honey and its derivatives. including up to one 50% They are exported to different parts of the world, with profits ranging from $71 million.

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