NASA releases an amazing collection of solar system posters, download them for free – Teach Me About Science

One of the most exciting and fascinating branches of science is astronomy, which allows us to study the universe that surrounds us, the things that make it up, as well as understand the origin and fate of our solar system.

Many of us as children may have been surprised to learn that we inhabit a planet that is not alone and surrounded by other planets, and that we have a nearby star, the Sun, as well as our own natural moon, but there are many other planets. More things in the universe that we still don’t know.

Today we share with you an amazing collection of high-quality cosmic posters. These pictures were taken by cosmic telescopes National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)Which we will mention at the end of this entry.

Below, we share all the stickers in the universe:

  1. Our solar system: Version A And Version B.
  2. sun: Version A, Version B, Version C And Version D.
  3. Mercury: Version A, Version B And Version C.
  4. Venus: Version A And Version B.
  5. Land: Version A, Version B, Version C, Version D, Version E And Version F.
  6. Mars: Version A, Version B And Version C.
  7. Jupiter: Version A
  8. Saturn: Version A, Version B, Version C And Version D.
  9. Uranus: Version A, Version B And Version C.
  10. Neptune: Version A And Version B.
  11. Pluto: Version A, Version B And Version C.
  12. Earth’s moon: Version A, Version B, Version C, Version D, Version E, Version F, G version, H version And first edition.
  13. Asteroids: Version A And Version B.
  14. Ceres: Version A, Version B And Version C.
  15. Comets: Version A, Version B And Version C.
  16. Moons of Jupiter (Io): Version A And Version B.
  17. Jupiter’s moons (Europe): Version A And Version B.
  18. Moons of Jupiter (Ganymede): Version A.
  19. Jupiter’s moons (Callisto): Version A And Version B.
  20. Saturn’s moons (Titan): Version A, Version B And Version C.
  21. Saturn’s moons (Enceladus): Version A, Version B, Version C And Version D.
  22. Beyond our solar system: Version A, Version B, Version C, Version D, Version E And Version F.
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NASA’s main telescopes

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

NASA has launched several telescopes into space to study the universe. Here are some of NASA’s most famous telescopes:

Hubble Space TelescopeThe Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 and is one of NASA’s most famous telescopes. It has provided stunning images of the universe and helped astronomers discover new galaxies and stars.

James Webb Space Telescope: The James Webb Space Telescope is the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. It is expected to be launched in 2021, and it will be the largest and most powerful telescope ever launched into space.

Chandra X-ray Observatory: The Chandra X-ray Observatory is a space telescope used to study celestial objects that emit X-rays, such as black holes and neutron stars.

Spitzer Space Telescope: The Spitzer Space Telescope is an infrared telescope used to study celestial bodies that emit infrared radiation, such as planets, stars, and galaxies.

Kepler Space Telescope: The Kepler Space Telescope was launched in 2009 to search for planets outside our solar system. He has discovered thousands of planets and helped astronomers better understand how planets form.

We hope these pictures are useful for you to continue the beautiful path of learning astronomy.

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