MTV pays homage to its “MTV Cribs”, a look at the stunning homes and the amazing lives of celebrities

MTV Cribs is an intimate and personal way of taking fans inside the stunning homes of some of the most iconic celebs.

MTV revives its program

The Iconic Show MTV Family He returns to MTV Latin America after the success of the football specials show, which was remotely produced in 2020. MTV family: It premieres on MTV Latin America on Monday, January 18th at 7:30 pm (Mexico), 8:30 pm (Colombia) and 9:30 pm (Argentina).

MTV Family

MTV Family It’s an intimate and personal way to take fans inside the stunning homes of some of the world’s most famous celebrities. The new season of 10 episodes will feature major stars such as Caitlyn Jenner, Singer and rapper Steflon Dunn, Kristen Quinn Selling by Sunset, Nickelodeon star Jojo Siwa, Bradley Simpson De-vamps, Alyssa Edwards From RuPaul. drag race, Among other things.

Don Diablo (Dutch DJ), Kevin McHale (Fun), Tom Allen (UK Central Comedy Roast Battle), Jonathan Chaiban (Kardashian BFF y “Foodgod”), Mike Edwards and Perry Shakes Drayton (MTV International Celebrity Pitfalls Mike + Perry), Caprice (London ladies), Jorge Masvidal (UFC fighter), Gemma Collins (TV personality), Regina Carter (TI de VH1 y Tiny: Friends and Family Hustle) Money kicks (YouTuber), Holly H. (TikTok star), he will also be a part of this amazing season.

Fans will get an exclusive look inside the luxury residence at Caitlin Jenner In Malibu, where she’ll also be showcasing some of her favorite wardrobe items, including Clothes From her first appearance on the cover of Vanity Fair. In addition, they will be able to learn about a fun fruit garden Steflon Don In the United Kingdom, an impressive mansion Christine Quinn In Los Angeles, the snack oasis Jojo Siwa And much more.

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MTV family: Premiere on MTV Latin America on Monday, January 18th at 7:30 pm (Mexico), 8:30 pm (Colombia) and 9:30 pm (Argentina).

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