Movie theater. The script writers are called in to carve out the plot lines

Graciela Guerrero, executive producer of several feature films and international co-productions and coordinator of the Qua Non Lab Cinema Argumental Lines (CQNL) workshop, states that today is the last day to register them.

The workshops are taught in Spanish or English upon the request of the interested party. Proposals are submitted for evaluation and sessions are held in April and May in places near Lake Patzcuaro, “In an atmosphere of retreat that allows all participants to focus on developing a story. If as a director you don’t get a clear idea of ​​what you are going to shoot, it could represent a big toll when it comes to production. I think it happened for all of us to go to the movies and watch a movie and suddenly we notice that at some point in the story something was missing and we just don’t like it anymore. To me that is exactly the purpose of these workshops, because you present your story to the vision of the other participants and this helps you not to leave loose ends in your story and The expert said, achieving a robust script that allows you to make fewer mistakes at the time of filming, if we think about it this way, is a very good way to avoid losses and to clarify the story you want to tell “It was a jury at international events like the TFI Networks section at the Tribeca Film Festival ( New York), at Ventana Sur in Argentina and the Guadalajara International Film Festival.

The results of the workshops interested in this CQNL show have been validated through eleven years of existence of this association which is currently receiving support from IMCINE And since 2019 from Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Oscar through Film Craft Scholarship. Throughout this time, they have supported 165 artists (50 percent women and 50 percent men) with over a hundred projects from Argentina, Austria, The Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, USA, Finland, France, Guatemala, India, Iceland, Israel, Jamaica, Mexico, Netherlands Peru, Poland, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Turkey, Venezuela, China, Lebanon and South Africa. A sample of the quality that CQNL provides is that “Las Chicas”, written and directed by Pilar Palomero, has been worked on in these workshops and has so far won nine Goya Awards, including one for Best Screenplay.

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CQNL has allies such as the Tribeca Film Institute, Proimimages / BAM from Colombia, Davo from Peru, INCAA Argentina, Projeto Paradiso from Brazil, Havana Film Festival, Filmarket Hub and the Guadalajara International Film Festival (FICG). More information on the site


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