Most Chilean workers have lost income due to the epidemic – Prensa Latina

This study, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Social Security, showed that this decrease in income is mainly due to the loss of a job or the decrease in sales of a business or family activity.

In interviews with 14,000 people, the survey also found that 39 percent of them reported high debt, 53 of them said their condition remained the same before the pandemic, and only 8 out of 100 reported a decrease in their debt.

As a result of the health crisis, 69 percent of the country’s workers saw that their working conditions had changed in 2020, because employers had reduced their wages or modified their working hours.

Likewise, more than half of them confirmed that they could not do their job at all by working remotely, said Carol Fernandez, head of studies at the Under Secretary of Social Security.

In terms of working remotely, 40 percent of those surveyed thought they could do it, despite not having all the jobs to perform in person, while only 4 percent found this method more effective.

Regarding the way people used or would use the first withdrawal of 10 percent of their retirement money, authorized in August 2020, a quarter of them said it paid off debt and roughly the same percentage directed it to obtain basic products.

Fernandez reported that the survey also investigated the mental health of the population, revealing that if 10 percent of men before the pandemic had declared that they had depression or symptoms of this disease, the number in the epidemic had risen to 25 percent.

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Before the health crisis, 22 percent of women said they were affected by depression, which also rose to 39 percent.

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