More than seven million 460 thousand people have reinforcements against COVID-19

The booster vaccination against COVID-19, which is being applied in Cuba to increase the protection levels of the population, has reached 7,460,836 people, with the country developing immunity to the epidemic.

Havana, August 5 (ACN) Booster vaccination against COVID-19which is applied in Cuba And to increase the levels of protection for the population, it has reached seven million 460 thousand 836 people, with the development of immunity in the country to confront the epidemic.

daily portion of Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) It indicates that of this number, 324 thousand 789 people received this booster as part of the clinical study, and seven million 136 thousand 047 in the booster vaccination that is applied to residents of areas and groups at risk.

Additional doses apply to those who have already completed the immunization design against COVID-19Cuba has a population of 9,979,568: 90.1 percent (%) of the population.

According to MINSAP, as of August 3, 10,685,755 people, including those who recovered from the disease, had received at least one dose of Soberana Plus as a single dose.

Of this total, nine million 420 thousand 927 people had a second dose, and the third nine million 122 thousand 548.

The country accumulates a total of 39 million 483 thousand 430 doses of national vaccines.

Since March 2020, the date on which the first diagnosis of COVID-19 was made in Cuba, 1 million 108 thousand 621 patients have been reported with the disease, of whom 1 million 099 thousand 543 have recovered, 99.2%.

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