Minimal invasiveness in feline medicine

The use of minimally invasive techniques is relatively common in veterinary medicine. We now have a gentler alternative to offer our patients’ companions while researching and treating certain diseases. We can examine areas of the body that we could not reach before. We can provide more accurate diagnoses and surgical treatments that are less painful than some traditional methods.

Availability of tools is not enough. You must know how to use it, interpret the results and also have a human team up to the task at hand. Specialized centers are increasingly emerging. In this podcast I’m doing an interview Isabel Montenegro Martinez On the specifics of some minimally invasive procedures in feline medicine. Isabel is the Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management at the Canary Islands Veterinary Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery (CVMIC) and is a member of SEAAV (Spanish Association of Veterinary Anesthesiology and Analgesia) and GAVA (the AVEPA Anesthesia Group).

During the interview, Isabel tells us about the diseases that are frequently investigated and treated in the cats referred to by CVMIC.

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