Mind Woman: Only 9% of women study careers in STEM fields

Although historically many women have not graduated from related occupations Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (turning off), their inclusion in these branches is still under development, with only nine percent currently choosing this type of profession.

The reasons are manifold, however, the most frequent being the lack of female role models in these areas; inappropriate approaches to women; pedagogy in science teaching that favors male students; cultural pressure to conform to traditional gender roles; A masculine view is rooted in scientific epistemology.

There is no doubt that the path of women in engineering has not been easy, it has been accompanied by stereotypes and social prejudices for centuries. Since the College of Mining was founded in 1792 until 1909, already at the National School of Engineering, there are no records of women who studied these fields.

According to the study titled “Motivating Women to Work in the Fields of Engineering and Technology” prepared by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), “It is necessary to combine the efforts of the Ministry of Public Education and private sector companies to implement, in schools, programs that make it possible to connect women who have succeeded in science and engineering with female students to foster interest in STEM careers, and thus increase the number of women enrolled.”

“In terms of generating information from gender studies, there is a lot of work to be done, and it is necessary to introduce new lines of research that allow understanding the changes between actors, according to their gender and the new institutional environments in education in Mexico.”

According to Manuel Macedo, president of Honeywell Latin America, worldwide, only 35 percent of students studying this type of degree are women, 29 percent are researchers and only 3 percent have a Nobel Prize in science for women. .

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While Nangili Silva, Chair of the Canasintra National Innovation Committee, commented at the “Promoting Young Talent in the Digital Age” forum that it is necessary today to have the ability to reinvent oneself in order to move easily in a world of constant change. Similarly, Jimena Mora, Legal Director of Intellectual Property and Digital Security at Microsoft for Latin America, commented that diversity is one of technology’s great strengths, as it includes all kinds of people, genders, and ways of thinking.

Alberto Alessi, Managing Director of ManpowerGroup in Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America, noted that there are significant challenges in Mexico and called on organizations to stop being consumers of the workforce and become companies that generate talent. She added that women should be motivated to see STEM skills as the most attractive and to join these professions.

by Myriam Lira


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