Millions of devices are at risk of being shut down due to “internet outages”: how to avoid it

Devices from around the world may stop working from September 30 (Photo: REUTERS/Aly Song/Archive)
Devices from around the world may stop working from September 30 (Photo: REUTERS/Aly Song/Archive)

The Internet disconnectionthat can win millions electronic devices Obsolete by not allowing them to connect to the network because HTTPS Certificate.

It will be on Thursday September 30 When some computers, mobile phones, video game consoles, tablets, smart TVs and other gadgets are affected by the inability to create Internet connection Because of the HTTPS certificate for let’s encrypt.

This means that it will expire or The authentication certificate will expire who validate the connection between the device and the server. The said security clearance is CA de DTS Root CA X3 They have thousands of old devices.

Devices may stop working after an internet outage (Photo: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg)
Devices may stop working after an internet outage (Photo: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg)

let’s encrypt, a non-profit organization, issues certifications that Communication encryption Between devices and the Internet in general, ensuring that no one can intercept and steal data in transit.

Each access to the Internet page can be read at the beginning of the HTTPS address, which means that the site is secure, thanks to a certificate Let’s Ecrypt. However, the device for old devices will stop working On the 30th of next September.

For this reason, the old tools that have CA de DTS Root CA X3 It will become outdated to establish a secure internet connection, however, there is a way to avoid this and that is by updating the device.

It is important to update the devices (Photo: Pixabay)
It is important to update the devices (Photo: Pixabay)

according to Entrepreneur On the note of Take Crunch, devices that will be affected by Certificate Expiry It will be those who It is not updated regularlySuch as systems that are designed not to update automatically, or smartphones that are running old software versions.

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Users using earlier versions of macOS 2016 and Windows XP (with Service Pack 3) are more likely to experience issues, as well as customers who rely on OpenSSL 1.0.2 or earlier, and older PlayStations 4 that haven’t been upgraded to a newer firmware. Website note.

Briefly, Tools that can be outdated son:

Devices running iOS 9 or earlier.

Apple computers with macOS prior to 2016 or MacOs 10.12.0.

– Phones and tablets running Android Gingerbread 2.3.6 or earlier.

– Computers running Windows XP SP3 or earlier.

BlackBerry devices with a version lower than 10.3.3.

-Play station 3.

PlayStation 4 with an operating system prior to version 5.0.

-Nintendo 3DS.

BlackBerry devices with versions less than 10.3.3.

The PlayStation 3 is among the devices that can stop working with an internet connection (Image: File/Courtesy)
The PlayStation 3 is among the devices that can stop working with an internet connection (Image: File/Courtesy)

Check devices and Make updates the interview. Although it is expected that most of them will not have problems, the site estimates that there will inevitably be “victims” of this “blackout” of the Internet, which is so called because gadgets cannot establish a connection to the web.

In order to find out both the updates and the hardware operating system, it is necessary to access the settings and find this information in the menu.

The above is part of planned obsolescence, Which, according to the Federal Consumer Professor’s Office (Profeco), is the deliberate action of manufacturers so that products stop working at a certain time.

The devices are set to stop working in the medium term (Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa)
The devices are set to stop working in the medium term (Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa)

This applies to cell phones, computers, tablets, printers, washing machines, hair dryers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, monitors and other devices that are almost essential to daily life and which Service discontinuation in the medium term And for no apparent reason.

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Sometimes it is expensive to repair, other times it is impossible to find a replacement part or it is designed not to be disassembled.

This happens because manufacturers calculate and plan the life of their products, with the aim of deliberately reducing their usefulness and thus encouraging people to buy a new product.

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