Medical School of Xochicalco provided Social Service Release Certificates


As part of their academic preparation, Bachelor of Medicine students at the University of Xochicalco Mexicali campuses received release certificates, a document certifying the completion of their social service in the various health institutions to which they were assigned. At the handover ceremony, the Director of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. José Morales Bustamante, noted that the conclusion of this service brings them one step closer to becoming the physicians they aspire to be, thanks to the experience they have gained. At this stage training, which in turn will be very useful in the face of the National Examination of Aspiring Medical Residencies (ENARM). Morales Bustamante urged students to continue to strive under the premise that the profession and life of a physician is characterized by constant preparation, which is key to being an excellent health professional, especially to achieving change and positive impact in the communities in which they work. throughout their career. The transcript was handed out in MBA Room 1, under strict social and health distancing protocols, as 13 students gathered to receive their social service release for university venues. It is worth noting that to obtain university seats and perform social service, medical students depend on their average achievements obtained at the time of this application. Also in attendance was the Training and Social Service Coordinator, Jaime Moreno Duarte. He is a full-time first class teacher, Jesús Flores Fong.

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