With the research entitled “Creation Analysis Nothofagus alpina And Nothofagus dombii In a mature flowering forest of the coihueraulítepa forest type in Panguipulli, Los Ríos region, Barbara Lara Riquelme recently obtained a degree Master of Science with a mention in Forestry and Environment, A program taught by the Faculty of Forestry and Natural Resource Sciences at UACh.
The purpose of their study was to understand how natural regeneration responds to a Coihue-Raulí-Tepa forest type, especially the Raulí species (Nothofagus alpina) and coiho (Nothofagus dombii) After highly selective extraction, known as florio, the species with the highest economic value are extracted. This extraction occurred in the mid-20th century in the municipality of Panguipulli, Los Ríos District.
Barbara Lara Riquelme, Master of Science with Mention Forestry and Environment.
“These species of rauli and coiho were chosen because they are the main species that dominate the canopy of this forest type, and in particular we were interested in seeing how rauli would react, since they are the species that have been recovered from most of them in the past decades,” the natural resources conservation engineer explained. .
Forest resilience
For Barbara Lara, the most interesting result was validation of the forest’s great resilience and ability to recover. “A high density of regeneration was found, especially in Rawli (and a lower density in Kuhiho), although in the past they extracted a high density of trees of this type,” he said.
These extracted rauli trees were the source of seeds to maintain natural regeneration.
“It was also important to determine how much timber had been extracted in the past, in part, from the density of the logs we found,” he added.
The professional stressed the importance of this work and noted that “the results obtained allow us to contribute to understanding the regeneration dynamics of these species and improving prescriptions related to forest management in these types of forests, especially in the field of silviculture. Indigenous peoples.”
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