Massa appointed Angel Elettore of Córdoba as the new head of the mint

He will replace Rodolfo Gabrielli of Mendoza, who was sacked last week.

Minister of Economy Sergio Massa has already determined who will take charge of Casa de la Moneda. Angel chose Mario Elitor from Cordoba as the new president of the entity, to replace Rodolfo Gabrieli from Mendoza, who was forced to resign last week by a decision of the Finance Palace.

Official sources confirmed that Massa had offered the position to Elitor in a telephone conversation. Before the man from Córdoba, who for several years was the Minister of Finance of the Governor José Manuel de la Sota, and is scheduled to meet the Minister Next Tuesday, January 10th To define lines of action.

Elitor served as Minister of Finance in Córdoba between 2003 and 2015. He covered the mandates of de la Sota and also maintained his position in the first term of Juan Sciaretti. He graduated as an accountant at the National University of Córdoba and works as a consultant.

The Casa de la Moneda is the government entity responsible for printing banknotes – or sending them to printing in other countries – along with other public documents.

On December 29, Sergio Massa asked him to resign Rodolfo Gabriellia Peronist leader who was the ruler of Mendoza.

According to reports, the decision was based on the fact that the Minister of Economy was dissatisfied with the “presentation of the results of the year”, which was what Gabrieli would have taken regarding the entity he controls.

Other voices speculate that the decision could have been hurried Casa de la Moneda has a deficit on its annual balance sheet.

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Rodolfo Federico Gabrieli has been appointed in 2020 by Alberto Fernandez. The former governor and former Minister of the Economy of Mendoza, he was a man appointed to other positions when the president was Christina Kirchner’s chief of staff, such as the ANAC airport control authority.

Gabrielli’s departure occurred the same week that the executive branch decided to relocate Victoria Donda From the INADI front.

At the beginning of last November, Jorge Lanata denounced Rodolfo Gabrielli in his Periodismo Para Todos (PPT) for So-called family business which he carried out within the Casa de la Moneda, taking advantage of his position as the head of that organization.

“The Mint entered into a direct contract with an English company to purchase the payment and transaction platform software. The company is called Callao Holding, it is based in the United Kingdom and has a subsidiary in Argentina,” according to Driver’s context.

He continued, “He got a contract $9,578,888 in April last year and a $2,425,000 contract extension in April this year. Since it is a foreign company, and although there is a local company, it was agreed to pay in dollars or pounds sterling in a foreign bank.”

that way, Avoid “paying taxes in the country”. In this sense, he specified: “Of course, if the Argentine company was contracted, they would give pesos at the official exchange rate, and this is how they obtained dollars abroad.”

Abdul Qadeer

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