Manuel Marrero to Daniel Ortega: “With people like Cuba and Nicaragua there will be revolution for some time”

Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel MareroWho attended the ceremonies of the system Daniel Ortega To celebrate the 43rd anniversary of taking power Sandinista in Nicaragua, In both countries, he emphasized, “we will have a revolution for some time.”

“Every day one understands better why there are revolutions like ours. Yankees They insist on isolating us, imposing their ideology on us, and the more they do that, the more independent they are. “As long as there are people like Cuba and Nicaragua, we will have a revolution for a while,” Marrero said.according to official site Cubadebate.

Shortly before leaving Nicaragua on Wednesday, The Cuban prime minister described his visit to Managua as “short but very profound”.

Marrero referred to his meeting with Daniel Ortega, his wife and his deputy, Rosario Murillo. second said, The beginning of next September went beyond the modernization of all interests in the commercial field, and the formation of an intergovernmental committee to further strengthen the links between the two systems.

Havana is one of the few countries in the region that supports Ortegawhose regime crushed civil society protests in 2018, harasss the church and bans dozens of NGOs dedicated to humanitarian work or freedom of expression, ensuring that they do not comply with legal requirements.

Last Tuesday, the prince considered it “impossible” to have a dialogue with the United Stateswhich keeps his government under sanctions to jail dozens of opponents and “undermine democratic institutions.”

Dialogue is impossible, dialogues [con EEUU] “They should put the noose on their neck,” Ortega was quoted by AFP as saying.

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What dialogue can he have with Satan? as chi says [Guevara]You can’t believe Americans and imperialism are a bit “like this”, because it ends with you. “We want to establish good relations with the United States, but this is impossible,” he stressed.

Ortega, a 76-year-old ex-combatant, in power since 2007, and Rosario Murillo, led the commemoration of the victory of the revolution that ended the Somoza dictatorship in 1979. Just Marrero, Havana representative, and foreign minister from Venezuela, Carlos Faria, his ideological allies attended , anniversary.

Washington has just excluded those three regimes in the region from the Summit of the Americas Detained in Los Angeles, due to human rights violations.

In 2021, before the general elections in November in which Ortega was elected to a fourth consecutive term, about 40 opponents were arrested, including seven of his potential rivals. He accused them of trying to overthrow him with Washington’s backing, and prosecuted them for crimes such as “undermining sovereignty.”

It has also imprisoned or forced into exile dissidents, critical journalists, and various figures from Nicaraguan society.

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