Lyceum School of Sciences awards young researchers at UMU Julia Alarcón, Raquel Espinosa and Elena Martinez – Press Room

Students from ten institutes in the region attend a day dedicated to promoting the presence of women in science

Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Murcia and Lyceum of Sciences Women scientists from the Murcia region held a day on Thursday to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Students from ten secondary schools across the region attended the researchers' lectures and displayed posters of projects they had implemented at their centres. The day ended with an awards ceremony, where in addition to the students’ works, three young researchers associated with the University of Murcia were also honoured; These are Julia Alarcón, Raquel Espinosa and Elena Martinez.

Julia Alarcón Luna received a prize in the field of humanities for her work “Rules of Vision.” Contexts and analysis of the graphic work of Ramón Gaya. In the field of Engineering and Technology, the Lyceum honored Raquel Espinoza Fernandez for her work “Alternative-Assisted and Filter-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Feature Selection for Deep Learning.” Furthermore, in the field of health sciences, the award went to UMU and IMIB researcher Elena Martinez Basalubre, for her work “Telomerase RNA-based aptamers restore defective myelopoiesis in congenital neutropenia syndromes.”

On the one hand, the aim of this day is to spread the role that women play in science and their influence on the development and development of society. On the other hand, the aim is to foster interest in the profession of a researcher among young high school students, giving them the opportunity to learn first-hand about the experiences of young researchers.

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The day began with a conference by UMU researcher Aurora Gonzalez, who spoke about the world of artificial intelligence applied in science. Afterwards, a group of young researchers spoke about their experiences in science at a roundtable.

The event was opened by José Lujan Alcaraz, Dean of the University of Murcia; Sinina Corbalan García, Vice Chancellor for Research at UMU; Beatriz Miguel Hernandez, Dean of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena; Consuelo Ruiz Monteiro, President of the School of Science for Women Scientists of the Region of Murcia; Estrella Nuñez Delicado, Vice Chancellor for Research at the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia; and Antonio Gonzalez Valverde, Director of the SéNeCa Foundation. The closing of the event was also attended by the Minister of the Environment, Universities and Research and Mar Menor, Juan María Vázquez.

This day is sponsored by the “SéNeCa” Foundation, the Ministry of the Environment, Universities and Research, Mar Menor (CARM) and the Mare Nostrum Campus (UMU), and in collaboration with academic and research institutions such as the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), and the Pascual Institute. Parrilla Murcian Biohealth Research Institute (IMIB), Segura Center for Soil Sciences and Applied Biology (CEBAS, CSIC) and the Murcian Agricultural and Research Institute. and Environmental Development (IMIDA).

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