Lula criticizes mining company for delaying compensation for environmental disaster in Brazil

“Today, five years have passed since the crime that left Brumadinho (a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais (southeast)) in the mud, taking lives and destroying the environment. Five years and an elephant has done nothing to repair the devastation it caused,” Lula said. Social Network X (formerly Twitter).

He estimated that “it is necessary to provide protection for the families of the victims, environmental recovery and, mainly, inspection and prevention in mining projects, to avoid new tragedies like Brumadinho and Mariana”, the latter being another dam that collapsed on November 5. , 2015 and also includes Vale.

In addition to the 270 deaths, the Brumadinho tragedy struck the communities, flora and fauna of the mining area.

There are still three bodies buried in the mud.

The mining company signed a compensation agreement on February 4, 2021 with the Minas Gerais state government, the federal and state public ministries and the Office of the Solicitor General for Mining.

With an estimated value of 37.7 billion reais (about eight million dollars), the agreement outlines the multinational company's commitments to social, social and disaster recovery.

After the dam's containment dams collapsed on January 25, 2019, a torrent of mud and mining waste (more than 12 million cubic metres) was unleashed, destroying everything in its path.

Such a disaster is the seventh mourning for the state in just 15 years, greater than one break every two years (1.85 years).

On this occasion, an analysis by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), based on satellite images of the collapse in Brumadinho and maps before the tragedy, revealed that about 125 hectares of forest had been lost.

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This number is equivalent to more than one million square meters or 125 football fields.

The area where mining occurred belongs to the Mata Atlántica forest formation (neotropical vegetation formation found in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina), going to the Cerrado (Great Tropical National Ecoregion), which begins a few kilometers downstream.

Given the area of ​​clay recorded, habitat loss has even affected groups of forests and fragmented them and made communication between these areas difficult.

The ordeal completed five calendars with criminal proceedings without the possibility of a final trial.

Of the 16 defendants in court, at least one was not arraigned.


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