Lose more weight while walking with the tricks of Harvard doctors

The idea is to come home somewhat sweaty even if you’ve just gone for a walk.

Physical activity is an essential pillar of good health. if you want stay in shapethe important thing is that you move and, depending on your age, choose one type or the other Two conditions:

  • do not assume a Extremely high risk of infection.
  • is being Easy to practice And so I feel like doing it with some reluctance.

the Walking is an excellent option which satisfies both requirements, although it may not feel like an exercise in and of itself. It’s even too good for Those looking to lose weight.

Three ways to walk to lose more weight

against whoever considers it To lose weight, you must run, not walkit must be said Various studies Indicate that both exercises can achieve the goal. In any case, it is true that running is allowed Burn calories faster.

To balance things out a bit, now Researchers at Harvard Medical School (United States) Three good tips that can Help you lose more weight if walking is your thing:

  • Faster. Walking does not mean looking at shop windows. Must Walk at a good pace. Researchers have found that if you increase the intensity gradually, it is more effective in testing your limits. The idea is Come home a little sweaty Even if you go for a walk.
  • Walk up. We don’t expend the same energy moving our legs downhill as we do going up a hill. If you are walking on fairly high streets You increase calorie burn by up to 13%..
  • Put the weights on. Basketball players wear ankle weights only to have them jump higher when you take them off. This idea also works when you’re walking. If you carry A little extra weight on the legs By making it more difficult for you to lift them, you increase your calorie intake 15%. Carrying a heavy backpack or coat, which can make walking more difficult, also helps.
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Walking also helps not to gain weight

After analyzing many other studies that have been done, the Harvard researchers also found that walking has other things to do Ways to help us maintain an appropriate weight.

  • Helps control cravings for sweets. The desire to Drink chocolate In stressful situations it can be reduced by simply walking for fifteen minutes. In general, they are found that people who walk often have it Reduced consumption of pastries and sweet snacks.
  • It works on the genes that cause weight gain. Harvard scientists analyzed 32 genes associated with weight gain In more than 12,000 people. They discovered that those who walk an hour a day have achieved Cut the effects in half of these genes.
  • Soothes joint pain. If we have problems arthritis, With severe joint pain, it makes sense to choose a more sedentary lifestyle. However, many studies have proven this Walking reduces arthritis pain. And do about ten kilometers a week Prevent appearanceAs it strengthens the muscles that protect and moisturize the joints.

How much do you have to walk to lose weight?

A study from Kalmar University (Sweden) reveals this Maintain a healthy weight You have to walk 10,000 steps day f slim down They are wanted 12,000 steps. Equivalent to about 8 kilometers. However, distance, like counting steps, is relative.

Calorie expenditure depends on the intensity of the walk, the gender or the weight of the person

When you walk you burn some 5 calories per minute. But it is difficult to define it in reality, because it depends on factors such as intensity march physical condition of the person, if any Man or womanweight or fat massamong others.

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It’s easy to understand The faster you walk, the more you burn. And if you follow the advice we gave you, you double your caloric expenditure.

What is clear is that people who walk Lose weight faster than sedentary people They are just a diet. And if what you want is to maintain the kilos, it is sufficient to walk between half an hour and an hour every day.

Other benefits of walking

In case you have any doubts about the advantages of getting up from your chair and starting to walk, we will add some of the many Other health benefits that have been found.

  • Walk 21 minutes a day (2.5 kilometers a week) Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%such as heart attack and stroke.
  • improve your mood. It helps the body produce endorphins, the hormone that cheers you up. Helps clear the mind and solve problems. Several studies have found that consumption of anxiolytics and antidepressants decreases.
  • It reduces the risk of some tumors. Physical activity in general reduces the risk of developing tumors, especially breast cancer. Specific studies on gait attributed a 14% less full of dangers.
  • Activates the immune system. In the months of colds and respiratory viruses, you should not be lazy to go for a walk. People who walked for at least 20 minutes five days a week cut the number of sick days almost in half, compared to people who didn’t walk.
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And we could move on, but you’d better get up and see for yourself.

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