Los Angeles Park – El Sol de Hidalgo

With cunning, the walrus won the star battle at Palenque de Tolancingo, the technicians were surprised and excluded.

Psycho Clown, Máximo, and Kaleth all sought to win the main competition in which they gained an advantage over Paranoiko and L.A. Park Jr. , the referee looked confused and gave victory to insolence.

In the Nexo Triple Battle, the Mexican-powered team with Crazy Boy and Niño Hamburguesa is initially attacked by ring strippers La Hormiga and Hijo de La Park as well as by Blaze and Camouflage’s shadow enforcer, Niño Hamburguesa. Crazy Boy was able to recover and with the audience on their side, they supported the tough fight.

Actions were determined by Son of L.A. Park and Crazy Boy, the latter being punished with a flogging on a pile of chairs and later a chair-blow by Chessman and eventually they applied a variety of neck cutters to move him to the account of three.

At the end of the fight, Red Light Killer challenged Crazy Boy to an intense battle with his schools.

In the mini fight, Dynasty, Microman and Mascarita Sagrada were the winners, the actions went out of the ring, and in the end, the technicians took advantage of the distraction of Raul Deval Jr., Payasito Negro and Coquito Amarillo who asked the referee to come back quickly and surprised their opponents who took them to the plate for action A quick count gave them victory.

In the high-impact medal race, Chessman and Aeroboy were responsible for leaving Lokillo out of circulation, and Choko to determine the winner among themselves, the red light killer delivered a forbidden blow to the Tulancingo native who at the end reversed a penalty for flipping Chessman on his back for a count of three.

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In the women’s fight, Zozo Devine, Kira and Ayako Hamada defeated Fabi Apache, Jesse Jackson, and Sexy Star, the Mexican-Japanese fighter pitting the UK wrestler against lamps for a count of three.

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