Look at positive psychology

Positive psychology is relatively new and has emerged in… 1998 With the opening statement of Martin Seligman (1942 – present). The main goal of positive psychology is to enhance or increase people’s strengths through scientific research.

the Positive psychology He has shown that satisfaction is obtained more effectively if we focus on what we are good at and make the most of it.

There are many assessment tools in positive psychology; These allow us to evaluate aspects related to happiness. one of tools The most important of which is the “Strength Test,” which mainly measures personal strengths, and also measures other aspects such as mental health, flexibility, optimism, and life satisfaction.

Positive psychology, in turn, focuses on studying and promoting positive aspects of the human experience, such as well-being, happiness, and personal flourishing. Unlike previous approaches to psychology that focused primarily on treating mental health problems and disorders, positive psychology seeks to understand and promote the positive side of human psychology.

some Basic concepts of positive psychology We are:

Subjective well-being: Refers to how people experience and evaluate their lives in terms of life satisfaction, positive emotions, and sense of purpose.

Personal strengthsPositive psychology identifies and enhances individual strengths, such as gratitude, resilience, optimism, curiosity and creativity, and how they can contribute to well-being.

Positive feelings: It focuses on researching and promoting positive emotions, such as joy, gratitude, hope, and love, and how these emotions can have a beneficial impact on people’s lives.

relations: Positive psychology also focuses on how healthy, meaningful relationships with others contribute to well-being and happiness.

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Sense of purpose: Discover how having a clear sense of purpose in life can lead to greater satisfaction and meaning.

With all this, it is noted that this approach to positive psychology focuses on aspects such as: quality of life, human flourishing and development, prevention and promotion, and it is natural to believe that to evaluate these aspects in a person it is necessary to use these aspects. Measurement metrics that can provide this data, e.g Measuring scales We are:

  • Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS): This scale is used to evaluate a person’s overall life satisfaction. It consists of questions about satisfaction in different areas of life and provides an overall life satisfaction score.
  • Depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS): Although this scale is not specific to positive psychology, it is used to measure the presence and severity of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, which may be relevant to understanding emotional well-being.
  • Subjective happiness index (Shi): This scale measures a person’s personal happiness, including their level of satisfaction with life and experience of positive emotions.
  • Gratitude scale (Gratitude Scale): Measures a person’s willingness to experience and express gratitude toward others. Gratitude is an important positive emotion in positive psychology.
  • Strengths and Virtues Questionnaire (VIA): Developed by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, this questionnaire assesses an individual’s personal strengths, such as creativity, gratitude, hope, courage, and others.
  • Optimism scale (LOT-R): Measures the extent to which a person tends to have an optimistic or pessimistic view of life.
  • Resilience scale: assesses a person’s ability to recover from adversity, maintain a good mood, and perform in difficult situations.
  • Prosperity scale Psychological Flourishing (PFS): Measures psychological flourishing, a state of well-being characterized by authenticity, personal growth, self-actualization, and social connectedness.

In short, positive psychology focuses on studying and promoting the positive aspects of the human experience. Unlike previous approaches that focused on treating mental health issues, positive psychology seeks to understand and promote well-being, happiness, and personal flourishing. Its core concepts include subjective well-being, personal strengths, positive emotions, interpersonal relationships, and a sense of purpose. To evaluate these aspects, different measurement scales are used, such as the Life Satisfaction Scale, the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale, the Subjective Happiness Index, the Gratitude Scale, the Strengths and Virtues Questionnaire, the Optimism Scale, the Resilience Scale, and the Gratitude Scale. Psychological well-being scale, among others. These scales help measure and understand psychological well-being, quality of life and human development from a positive perspective, and continuing research into positive psychology will enhance well-being in humans.


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