London Heathrow will record worse numbers than 2020 this year

London Heathrow Airport, which It was the busiest airport in Europe, lost more than €406m (£348m) in 2021. This year, fewer passengers will pass through its facilities than in 2020, according to its managers, who have blamed the catastrophic failure of the UK’s lockdown on international travelers. Since March 2020 and they are still this time of summer.

Passenger traffic at Heathrow, at the moment, to ten than it was recorded in 2019. It is expected to handle 21.5 million passengers over the course of this year 73% decrease compared to 2019 passenger numbersMoreover, a 3% decrease compared to last year, the worst in history due to the pandemic, at least in theory.

Forecasts for this year include an “expected gradual addition of destinations in green to the UK list”, which has not yet occurred.

Forced Quarantine

For those responsible for the airport, the fact that the UK government He didn’t know a good number of vaccines It is operated by other countries, and therefore does not exempt its passengers from quarantine upon arrival on English soil. This has a lot to do with it, they say, at Heathrow who lost ground to European rivals.

Mandatory quarantine upon arrival in England British travelers have been phased out who are traveling to the Amber List countries and returning after their holiday to the United Kingdom. However, the citizens of those same countries have to suffer from Quarantine for 10 days if traveling to England. Heathrow Airport officials recall that we are “talking about more than 150 countries” that are, for now, on the amber list.

“Great Britain is losing income in tourism and business compared to its regular partners in the European Union and the United States as the government continues to restrict travel to fully vaccinated passengers from outside the UK,” airport officials said in a statement.

until the Britons live abroad They have to go into quarantine if they go home to see family members, as the UK does not recognize vaccines that have not been administered by its health system. This may change from August 1, when the government plans to relax the rule around vaccines and allow Britons who have been vaccinated abroad to enter the country without being quarantined and without having to pay for two PCR tests.

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This would benefit the 300,000 Britons living in EU countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and Spain; To 700 thousand live in the United States and to 150 thousand in France, when this country leaves the status of “Amber Plus”, according to telegraph.

downfall of a leader

London Heathrow Airport is the airport The busiest in the UK and the Airport in Europe with the highest passenger trafficAnd despite being the world’s busiest airport for international travelers, it recently lost that title to Dubai Airport.

In 2018, it lost its global leadership in passenger traffic, with 73.1 million, to Airport Dubai (87.7 million). But he still keeps Leadership in passenger traffic between European airports (78 million passengers in 2017), followed by Charles de Gaulle in Paris with 69.4 million.

Skytrax ranked 8th in the 2019 ranking of the 10 best airports in the world.

Millionaires lose

In fact, the United Kingdom You lose 78 million pounds every day (90 million euros) because companies that work with tourists who come to the country have not resumed their activities at this point in the summer.

Its representatives said the future sector of the UK was “on its knees”. Incoming agencies, accommodation and companies providing services to tourists coming to the UK have their accounts at zero due to the country’s closure to international tourism.

The sector is closed and without activity since March 2020.

Is the supposed “freedom” not reaching the travel sector? Quarantine has been lifted for British travel to amber countries, but Not for tourists from other countries who want to visit the UK. Although they are fully vaccinated, they must self-isolate for 10 days, as we have shown in the UK, it remains closed to tourists even when they are vaccinated.

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For practical purposes, the UK remains closed to tourism. In fact, the link between the state and the United States has not yet been reopened, despite the success of both in the vaccination strategy

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