Lisa Judy | United Kingdom | A doctor with a sore throat discovered he had cancer: ‘I knew it was wrong’ | narration | EC Stories | nnda nnrt | Globalism

woman from She went to the doctor for a sore throat thinking she had a cold. However, he ends up discovering that he has cancer.

Lisa Goody51 years old He grew up with a chronic sore throatSo suffering from this discomfort from time to time was normal.

Look: “I lost my three children to cancer caused by a genetic syndrome and now I am fighting this disease too”

Everything changed when, in 2019, he saw a white spot appearing on his tonsil. Seeing them, they told him that they were accounts.

“There was a white spot on my tonsils and I’ve had tonsil stones in the past, but unfortunately they didn’t refer me at the time because they thought it was tonsil stones”He said Judy In a conversation with Kennedy News, according to L .

A year later, the woman noticed that her voice had lost strength and it was witnessed by a specialist who discovered it Stage II tonsil cancer.

“We had meetings and I actually couldn’t go to some of them one day. I was so overwhelmed I thought, ‘I can’t talk to anyone,’” I remembered. This must be the effect cancer on the vocal cords.

The main indication for this disease was swollen lymph nodes. I said: Is it cancer? And he said, “Yes,” the woman said during her visit to the doctor. So he knew right away.

“I would say I am a very optimistic person, although no one wants to hear those words. But I think I had problems for a long time, it wasn’t a surprise because I knew something was wrong.”Goody added.

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He suffered from “destruction” of his salivary glands

As part of cancer treatment, women He underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapyWhich caused inflammation in the skin of his neck.

As a result of the treatment, he “destroyed” his salivary glands, which caused him an infection Dry mouth and problems speaking as well as eating.

“One known, really horrible side effect of treatment is no salivary glands and a constant dry mouth. Having a dry mouth all the time is really horrible. It affects speech and the ability to eat and talk. I can’t lick an envelope.”

He started his treatment in February 2021 and in June this year he was able to recover from the disease. Since then, he has dedicated himself to raising awareness about oral, tongue and throat health.

He warned, “Examination of your mouth: It is a cancer that people do not seem to know about, and it takes two minutes to examine your mouth, throat and neck.” “And if there are areas that are sore or look different, go see your doctor and dentist, and if they don’t think it’s anything but you’re still unhappy, ask for a referral, and don’t be discouraged.”.

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