Least Developed and Vulnerable Countries Lead the Climate Conflict

Today, 93 percent of least-developed and vulnerable countries are stepping up efforts in the face of the climate crisis, the United Nations Development Program said, in contrast to the slow response of some of the biggest emitters.

A new report published this week by the United Nations Development Program on the eve of the COP26 negotiations reveals that nearly half of the G-20 have not increased management of their climate contribution, nor have they adhered to core principles. from the Paris Agreement.

The document notes that the role of the 20 most advanced economies in combating climate change, given that they are countries responsible for more than three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions, is significant.

However, the United Nations Development Program noted that four G20 countries responsible for 33 percent of global pollutant emissions had not submitted their second generation Nationally Determined Contributions, known as Nationally Determined Contributions, as of October 12.

This was the deadline for inclusion in the analysis of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which aims to inform the climate talks starting today in Glasgow, Scotland.

In addition, five other countries in that group have not advanced their mitigation goals, and even those that have done are unanimous that they should contribute more to help prevent the global increase in current greenhouse gas emissions.

In its report, the United Nations Development Program showed that vulnerable countries, often home to the world’s poorest and on the front lines of the climate crisis, continue to lead in climate ambition, leaving behind the richest countries.

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He also highlighted that although these 78 countries intend to increase mitigation ambition, they are only responsible for seven percent of emissions of polluting gases into the atmosphere.

“These numbers show that many developing countries around the world are leading the way toward critical climate action to secure the future of people and the planet,” said UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner.

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