Learning and Readiness: A New Opportunity for Improvement in Science, Language, and Mathematics

During April of this year, the plan was implemented with the aim of enhancing the educational revitalization process, from a comprehensive support approach that includes networking between institutions, consolidating community and sectoral links, and developing skills and knowledge for students in various academic fields.

For Sandra Castro Carvajal, Director of the Education Department of the Municipal Corporation of Gabriel González Videla (CMGGV), the entity responsible for municipal education in the municipality, the “Learn and Prepare” program seeks to provide a concrete opportunity for all students who want to improve. “The idea for the plan was born from a work table with the Community Student Center, which presented us with this need for continuous improvement in certain academic areas. We managed the resources, designed the strategy, and looked for faculty outside our classrooms, so that the experience was different from the routine of the classroom.

Castro continues: “We have set up headquarters in the regions and today we see positive results; the voluntary commitment of students to attend has been achieved. Therefore, we will start the second semester with a new invitation to those who could not attend for various reasons.

With three sites enabling voluntary attendance of students, at different times and days, for children in basic education and young people in intermediate levels, in addition to broadcasting classes online for students from rural sectors, learning and preparation are taught through teachers who do not work in educational institutions of the Municipality of La Serena.

César Rojas, Supervisory Teaching Coordinator of the Learning and Preparedness Program, comments on the experience and training of the teachers. “The call was initially made to all schools and it is a completely voluntary enrollment, so all the students who come because they want to learn, come to increase their academic achievement, whether in the seventh or eighth grade, which is important because it is the joint before secondary education and in the third and fourth grade it is the joint before university.

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Rojas comments that the professors’ curricula are elite, because, as he puts it, they have collaborators from NASA, who have attended conferences at UNAM, in Mexico, at the University of Guadalajara, and the Galileo University in Guatemala, from prestigious international academies, teaching courses in astronomy, introduction to the philosophy of science.”

For Lorena Joffre, director of the Saturno School, in the Gabriela Mistral sector, on the road to the Elqui Valley, the plan has been useful. This is demonstrated by how happy one of our students is “because she liked the type of classes that were taught, because she found that they were very clear, very relevant, and they corrected the mistakes she had, and those that were not noticed, and thanks to that she raised her grades in our institution.”

“For us, as an educational community, this program has been very useful,” concludes Geoffrey. “From UTP to the institution, they are very happy with the participation, with the desire that the student has and the feedback that she also gives to her classmates, because she also becomes a mentor student, a student who can clarify doubts.”

Currently, 33 municipal educational institutions in La Serena participate in the La Serena Learning and Preparation Plan to normalize community education curricula.

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