Leaders vs. Population Who is responsible for sustainable development?

Faculty of Social Sciences and Government, as well as the Students’ Union Tec in Mexico CityOrganize the conversationSDG is 2030 goal, will we achieve it?Headed by Brigadier General Carlos Lever.

Also according to the economist, residents see leaders as playing an important role in the agenda Sustainable development.

“Some have chosen to advance this agenda, to try to persuade leaders and rulers, and people who are already in positions of power, who are already in positions of government, to achieve change.

“One version of this, there are people who firmly believe that if only there was a will among those who hold office Commercial, economic or political leadershipIt will be easy to implement the changes.It is to explain.

Objectivity it

However, for the teacher, it is the residents who must be persuaded to make changes that benefit society. 2030 Agenda.

“In contrast to trying to persuade leaders and rulers is to try to persuade the majority of the population, a political majority, The majority of decision-making in democratic societies. And there we go more into the path of persuasion, public campaigns, and an attempt to get massively convincing actions.

“It’s not a closed room, not having technical arguments, but trying to lower the connection to wherever there are enough people. So it’s a different kind of business, there’s a group of people who believe in that rather Real changes happen when we convince the majorityadded.

Sustainable development

Who is the majority?

Talking about the majority may be too vague, as Carlos Leifer considered it, to bring about real change in the world, but it is even necessary that to hear minorities.

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“Then Perhaps a broader ambition, that is only the necessary democratic minimum, and it exists for good reasons, but we do not always have to stay with the minimum.

Perhaps the broader vision of retaining half plus one would be to seek a space in which minorities, and minorities that may never have a majority vote, feel represented, Their voices can be considered Finally, their concerns can be taken into account., Controversy.

Finally, explain to the students that there is no simple solutions Facing the challenges that United Nations 2030 Agenda.

“Unfortunately, I will not give you simple solutions because we are sharing again New questions that didn’t exist 20 years ago.

“There is a certain consensus on How to integrate technical knowledge into public decision-making With a professional civil service, with regulatory bodies with some autonomy, with technical features but with voting, with representation and not direct democracy”, he completed.

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