Latest version of WhatsApp | How to activate “white mode” in the application | Hoax 2024 | Nanda | Nenni | Sports play

Changing colors on WhatsApp is a promise that many users are waiting for to come true at some point Or before the middle of the year. The Meta app is expected to allow you to modify the entire platform to a solid shade like lilac, orange, black, brown, yellow, etc. However, so as not to wait too long, I'm going to share with you a trick I've been trying over the past few days that has left me more than satisfied: it's White Mode.. This has nothing to do with Light Mode or Dark Mode, but it does allow you to change the shade of the messaging app icon. So, Follow all the steps I leave you below if you want to decorate your smartphone with something completely different and original.

Steps to activate white mode on WhatsApp

  • He. She You'll first need to download the free Nova Launcher app. .
  • This won't ask you to access your notifications, let alone interfere with your personal files.
  • Once you get it, Open it and select the style you want your cell phone screen to appear in.
  • You can choose the font, the shape of the app icons, if you want an app drawer, among other details.
  • At this point, when everything is finished, follow step two.
WhatsApp | This is what the WhatsApp icon looks like after activating “white mode”. Try it too. (Photo: Debord – Rommel Yupanki)
  • You must enter your preferred browser and Find the image of the white WhatsApp icon.
  • also You can put the term “WhatsApp icon white transparent PNG” in English.
  • Download the application you like the most on your cell phone and now you should go to the WhatsApp application.
  • Press the Meta app icon for 2 seconds and a menu will appear, one of the options is “Edit”.
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WhatsApp | When you press the WhatsApp icon for two seconds, a floating menu will appear. Click where it says “Edit”. (Photo: MAG – Rommel Yupanki)
  • After that press Applications, Images, Select the image you downloaded previously and select its size.
  • Now alone Click on “Ready” and you will have the famous “White Mode” on WhatsApp.
  • Remember that you can also use other colors to give your Meta a unique style. You can use blue, yellow, red, or the popular purple color that causes a lot of buzz.

I will show you some tricks to change the colors of the WhatsApp icon

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