Last minute: French central bank: UK crisis shows risk of ‘vicious cycle’

last minute | Central Bank of France: UK crisis shows risk of ‘vicious cycle’

France’s central bank has warned that the recent turmoil in British bond markets shows the “vicious cycle” governments face if it undermines interest rate makers’ efforts to rein in hyperinflation, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday.

Francois Villeroy de Galhau, director del Banco de Francia, insta a los reguladores globales en el Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera a “cumplir ahora con reglas más claras y strictas” para garantizar que los fondos y los comerciantes construyan de servó el liquid Newspaper.

“We need more data, and in every jurisdiction, we need some kind of liquidity stress test,” he added in an interview.

British Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt, who was appointed last Friday after Prime Minister Liz Truss sacked close ally Kwasi Quarting, will eliminate the remaining key councils from his tax-cut agenda on Monday and scale back his massive subsidy plan.

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