“Last Christmas”, George Michael's hit song with Wham!, reaches No. 1 in the UK for the first Christmas in 39 years.

Image source, Sony music


The inspiration to write the song came while George Michael (right) was watching a football match.

  • author, Mark Savage
  • Role, BBC News music correspondent

It's been a holiday classic for decades, but has never reached number one in the UK charts during Christmas week.

But this year Last ChristmasSuccess hit! written by George Michael 39 years ago, he finally did it.

Defeated classic theme You are Christmas to me By Sam Ryder, also transcending history All I want for ChristmasFor American Mariah Carey, who came in third place.

Last ChristmasWho talks about the separation of love, It was originally released in 1984. George Michael intended to reach number one on the music charts during Christmas week in the United Kingdom, a highly coveted achievement in that country. But this never happened.

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