Las Albahacas students deal with wildfires at a science fair

Dean Juan Manuel Reneri and teacher Aldana Saldaño commented, in an interview with Radio Rio Cuarto, that the children will participate in the exhibition that will be held in Passo del Durazno and that the theme will be forest fires.

Dean Juan Manuel Reneri and teacher Aldana Saldaño commented, in an interview with Radio Rio Cuarto, that the children will participate on October 27 in the exhibition that will be held in Paso del Durazno, Juárez Silman Province and the theme will be forest fires.

Regarding other schools in the area, Villa El Chacay will address the topic of indigenous forest and water care, and Campo La Piedra School will deal with waste recycling.

Members of the forest squad attended the Clotilde Guillén de Rizzano Educational Center in Las Albahacas to discuss their work as warfighters and fire prevention procedures. “We were pleasantly surprised by the way they interacted,” said Dean Juan Manuel Raineri, noting the children’s knowledge and commitment.

Aldana highlighted the theme of “Seño,” which was chosen because children and their families “experienced the fires.” He added, “There are 30 seeds that we deposit in every home for the future of our environment.”

Finally, he mentioned that the students are aware of taking care of the indigenous forest and how fire attacks affect the flora and fauna of the place.

Report 16

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