“Landscape theater” is a fascinating exercise in Quattro Cienegas – El Diario de Coahuila

Landscape Art It is the fundraising program for the “Landscape Theaters” project, a documentary play on the Cuatrocenigas Valley in Coahuila by director Aristio Mora de Anda. “Landscape theaters” is a project that asks about a type of play that the actor Rodrigo Parini calls the cosmic play, which resort to the ethics of the gaze, where the theater does not impose meaning, but rather the play acts as a meeting of the senses to invoke new meanings.

It is about creating an environment of meaning. What does the landscape tell us? And what would happen if we learned to observe it with other records, wondering what place in the world the animals occupy and what space we observe, Aristeo explains.

“Landscape theaters” is a work that brings together materials that originated in the valley to “speak with” species and agents who live in this area who are currently in danger of disappearing, creating a scenic version that allows us to observe in detail what we cannot see with the naked eye. , Mentions the interviewee.

The project will be implemented in the Cuatrocinegas Valley, a prehistoric valley in the middle of the desert, where a large number of endemic species are still unique in the world and that have evolved to be preserved in an environment that has remained isolated due to the fact that this space forms a closed basin.

Learn to look at landscapes

“The scene of exploitation and displacement is a theater in which the senses and the survival of the life that lives in these areas are endangered. What does the landscape tell us? We want to learn to view it in a different way, and for the theater to allow us to train in other ways of communicating with the valley where traces of the origin of our existence are preserved. Aristo comments.

“Landscape Theaters” are implemented with support from FONCA Young Creators, Kenji Kishi Leopo, Lucia Ortiz Arellano, Cesárea Tinajero, Mabel Garza Blackaller, Claudia Gutiérrez, Lola Bianchin, Claudia Luna Fuentes, Dona Wiseman, Luis Falcón and Roberto Cement.

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For her part, Donna Weizmann commented:

“Landscape theaters” seek to create hybrid forms between science, activism and the arts, enabling other strategies to preserve and enhance our natural heritage through theater that can practice sympathetic, intimate forms of bonding and propagation.

Events of March

The Cultural Promoter explains:

“Our fundraising program is inviting musicians, landscape and visual artists, among others, to be part of the program that we will integrate to implement events from March 2021; so far, we have already confirmed the first meeting that will take place on March 5,”

Donna informs that this program includes concerts, theatrical productions, exhibitions and any format that can be held in the Poppy Forum, with the necessary health measures; In this way, he invites all artists who wish to be part of the program to a media meeting held on the first day of February via the Zoom platform, where the participation format will be explained, which includes payment of fees and credits as funders of the work.

like he said

I feel very fortunate to be able to work with the people I love and admire so much and that year after year they keep asking themselves questions together What is theater? How good is we still not finding an answer, and that this is a pretext for a meeting to investigate. “

Aristio Mora de Anda

in detail
Those interested must fill out the registration at https://formas.gle/myZBa1ffzzhWUESe7. For more information, you can call 844 1608624 on WhatsApp

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