La Nación/Samaniego lobbies for support, while Olmedo begins handing out fees at Justice

Written by Rosana Escobar M. [email protected]

Part of the first steps for the new Minister of Justice, candidate for deputy for 2023, Edgar Olmedo Silva, was to formalize the contracting form with fellow citizens and operators. Dozens of names are awaiting approval from the Ministry of Finance. This is in parallel with the food subsidy distribution project that MP Arnaldo Samanego has presented these days.

Al-Rafada is what they literally started in the Ministry of Justice. On the one hand, MP Arnaldo Samanego is pressing for the discretionary payment of food subsidies inherited from the era of former minister Julio Javier Rios, known as the “JJ” agreement to lift the 2019 strike, and on the other hand, the recently appointed Minister of the Portfolio, Edgar Olmedo, takes over hasty contracts with customers in the enterprise.

And they confirmed from the Ministry of Finance that there is a list of seven people in the process of being registered in the integrated human resources system at the request of Minister Olmedo, that is, about to enter the salary scale of the portfolio officials. However, in the documents that have come into our possession, the list includes 10 people to be included in the institution’s payroll, including 5 prison officers, 2 doctors, 3 nurses and a physiotherapist.

Appointment hastily is what Minister Olmedo is dealing with, who is also on a vigorous missionary campaign for Vice Prefecture of Kaguazu. Coincidentally, most of those recommended on the Treasury’s waiting list are from their jurisdiction, namely Coronel Oviedo.

At the Treasury they alerted Minister Olmedo to some requirements, in addition to the strictness of employment times which are generally dealt with on a semi-annual basis, so it is ideal that the income is submitted in January and June. However, the Secretary of State is in a political wheel ahead of the public administration and hastened to award contracts already from last March 14 to June 30.

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Among the contracts Olmedo has urged the Ministry of Finance are Delia Gomez-Roman, Julio Rivas, Desi Johana Martinez, Victor Manuel Godoy, Nelson Rolando Barreto, Lugio Patiño Pavon, Victor Varela, etc.

clientelism and readiness

From above, without competition for merit, Minister Olmedo intends to charge taxpayers a fee to his operators. Of course, as preferential clients, they all chose to reside in Coronel Oviedo Prison, the area they belonged to.

In the case of Daisy Martinez, partner of Richard Navarro, a politician from the region, she stuck to the luxury of walking the line at the schedule she wanted to meet. “It will come from above,” said the “seddik,” recklessly, as identified by some prison officials who sent evidence of the arrogance with which he had intimidated HR officials at Coronel Oviedo’s regional headquarters.

The photos show that the beneficiaries in the contracting process, managed with “piola” due to the temporary method it stipulates, are Olmedo operators in Caaguazú province. And that is the reason why the Minister remains in strict silence, who escapes from the press, especially from the calls we have made to him to give an explanation on the case, as well as the payment of discretionary subsidy who is behind the deputy Arnaldo Samaniego.

It should be remembered that the Samaniego Project seeks to remove the filter that Congress applied this year to the budget classifier of the Budget Act, and in this way limits the payment of food aid every two months to prison guards who work 24 hours straight, interspersed with 48 hours. Of comfort.

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Samaniego’s intent is very palpable as he seeks to reopen the tap so that all officials associated with the prison system receive this bi-monthly benefit of 1,700,000 c, knowing that administrative and other staff have basic working hours of 8 hours or less. The Ministry of Finance has clearly stated in its opinion that only prison guards are entitled to the said privilege.

More Colonel Oviedo

There are at least six Coronel Oviedo politicians in the process of landing and emigrating to the Ministry of Justice, led by Edgar Olmedo. And it started last Thursday with the decision to commission René Iser Alvarenga.

Consultations conducted for the Presidency of the Republic also confirm more appointments to senior positions in the Ministry of Justice, including politicians from the Kaguazu department, where the aforementioned minister is adding allies to them in preparation for the upcoming general elections in which he will participate. We will strive to be a deputy

Daisy Martinez is on the Justice Department’s recruitment list and her partner, Richard Navarro, a Coronel Oviedo politician, has announced that instructions for the hours women choose to work will come from “above.”
Minister Edgar Olmedo was praised and his Facebook campaign by Daisy Martinez recommended it.
Resolution appointing Kaguazu politician René Iser Alvarenga as Director of Internal Affairs.

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