La Nación / Nicolás Zárate Rojas has been sworn in as the new Minister of Education at the Government Palace

On Monday, the executive branch issued Decree No. 6748 appointing Ricardo Nicolás Zarate Rojas as the new Minister of Education and Science, replacing Juan Manuel Brunetti Marcos, who resigned last Friday due to his advocacy campaign as a candidate for vice president.

This afternoon, at the Government Palace and in the presence of Mario Abdo Benitez, President of the Republic, Zarate Rojas was sworn in as the new Minister of Education, becoming the third Minister of Education in Abdo Benitez, during his presidency.

Zárate, an agronomist by profession, specialized in fertilizers and the environment, held positions of trust in the public office and in the executive branch, was Deputy Minister of Agriculture, and National Director for Project Coordination and Management. In 2005 he was removed from the position of Deputy Minister of the Military Prosecutor and an administrative investigation was opened due to some irregularities in his administration.

While in the education sector, he is currently the Director General of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Education, and was also an alternate minister when Enrique Rira resigned as Minister.

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He also served as Deputy Minister of Higher Education, was Director General of the Council of Ministers, as well as a member of the National Council for Science and Technology (Conacyt), and an alternate member of the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education. (Anias) and a member of the National Council for Scholarships.

In the academic field, he was a full professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Asuncion (Facen-UNA) and a research professor at the National University of Pilar (UNP). He is a researcher and has scientific publications and participated in many international conferences, symposia, courses and exhibitions in different countries such as Israel, China, Japan, Korea, Spain and Brazil.

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