La Nacion / Court has appointed Carlos Quiñez as the new Director General for Administration and Finance

The Supreme Court of Justice has appointed Carlos Quiñez as the new Director General for Administration and Finance of the highest judicial body, replacing Rubén Ayala, who previously held the aforementioned administrative position.

In order to change Ayala, the senior judges argued that it was a position of trust; Therefore, no contest is required to reach the said address. Quiñónez has already taken up his new position as he will face the difficult task of managing the finances of the highest court.

First, the Supervisory Board of the Supreme Court of Justice, made up of Ministers Antonio Fritz, Alberto Martinez and Manuel Ramirez Candia, signed the decision to appoint Quiñones. Then it was placed at the disposal of the General Assembly of the highest judicial body, which at the last session agreed to include it in the judiciary.

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The new Director General of Administrative and Financial Affairs will receive an exorbitant salary that exceeds about 30 million EGP. In addition to other advantages. Quiñónez was previously Director of the Supreme Court for Electoral Justice (TSJE).

Likewise, it is stated that in the coming days there may be more changes in the various directions of the court and even the possibility of removing some dependencies such as the management of ceremonies and ceremonies, among others.

It should be noted that in September 2020, the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice decided by a majority to suppress the critical Judicial Board of Directors, whose members were Luz Antinez, Roberto Torres and Alberto Martinez Franco, who received millionaire salaries at the highest levels. A judicial body that does not know its function and productivity. The salary of each counselor was 27 million pounds. They were paid more than one judge and a maid. With the abolition of the board of directors, the court had savings of millions of dollars in the amount of 1000 million g.

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