La Jornada – UNAM School of Political Science for 70 years honored

Honoring the United Nations University School of Political and Social Sciences over the course of 70 years of our lives makes us proud.

From that great school, very prominent personalities appeared in the most diverse professions and activities of the public effort, which set the name of our company very high. Alma mater.

At the beginning of 1969, when I entered college, she was instructed by the great teacher Enrique Gonzalez Pedrero.

The memories of my professors are indelible: Enrique Gonzalez Pedrero – the most intelligent and casual lecturer in the history of political ideas, from Machiavelli to our days – Fernando Solana Morales – with the current state of political science – Alejandro Carrillo Castro – the great innovator of Mexican public administration – Enrique Velasco Ibarra, Francisco Casanova Alvarez, Gloria Brasdiver, Carlos Gallegos, Emilio A. Moran, Cesar Moreno, Jose Antonio Alvarez Lima, Gerardo Estrada, Eduardo Guerrero del Castillo, Enrique Rubio Lara, Gustavo, Hergio Villasana, Chantal B. Duvalion, Pascual Martinez Duarte, Hugo Castro Aranda, Ricardo Enriquez Rubio and Mario Rosenstein, who was the moderator of my professional thesis.

I testify to my lasting admiration and gratitude.

The National School of Political Science was founded in 1951 by Mr. Ernesto Enriquez Cuero – its first director – and Mr. Pablo Gonzalez Casanova was its director, and we summarize it in his classic work. Democracy in Mexico And who was relieved of his position by teacher Enrique Gonzalez Pedrero (with whom he reached a college degree) dropped prominent figures from culture, academia, politics and public opinion: in addition to those I already mentioned, they stand out (in alphabetical order) Carmen Aristego, Javier Barros Valero, Raul Bijar Navarro, Pascal Beltran del Rio, Ulysses Beltran, Jose Eduardo Beltran, Fernando Benitez, Judith Boxer, Jorge Carrasco, Maria Ambaro Cassar, Jose Castellazzo, Corral Delgado, René Delgado, Antonio Delomo, Fatma Fernandez Cristleb Victor Flores Olea, Gaston Garcia Canto, Luis Garcia Cardenas, Javier Garciadigo, Augusto Gomez Villanueva, Henrique Gonzaloosa, Omar Guerrero, Silvia Hernandez, César Hernandez, Gustavo Hernandez, Ernesto Hernandez Norezagaray, Pablo Hernández, Pablo Hernández Kasuga Usac A, Horacio Labastida, Julio Lapstida, Francisco Lopez Camara, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Vicente Lopez Portio, Arturo Lozano D. Ikaza, Patricio Marcos, Ricardo Mendes Silva, Raul Olmedo, David Pantuga, Beatrice Paredes Rangel, Fernandez Juan Ribolido Gott, Jose Antonio Rendon Padilla, Carlos Rita Martinez, Federico Reyes Herols, Eduardo Robledo Rincon, Octavío Rincon, Octavio Rangelo Jaime José Serra Pucci, Carlos Servent, Raul Trejo Delarbury, Rodriguezio, Jose Woldenberg, Ivan Zavala Echavarria, and others.

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The idea of ​​establishing the National School of Political Science was based on the great vision of those who dreamed and wanted to improve the performance of humanists and public officials. It was and remains necessary to devise the values ​​and principles of morality, honesty, universality, humanity and nationalism; As well as the transfer of culture and avant-garde knowledge of the social sciences that was developed with greater momentum in Europe.

Bringing the thought of the classics of philosophy and political science to Mexico was a matter of the utmost importance. In light of the foregoing, the ideas of Machiavelli, Hobbes, Tocqueville, Locke, Burke, Payne, Weber, Hegel, Marx, Doverger, Comte, Gramsci, Sartre, Bobbio, Ortega and Gasset, Durkheim, Keynes, Galbraith, Habermas, Kant, Sartori and Cerroni Heidegger, Popper, Mariátegui, Samuel Ramos, Gamio, Reyes, Vasconcelos, Cossío Villegas, González Casanova, Paz, Reyes Heroles, Chomsky, Bovero, Wright Mills, Córdova and many others that have influenced and shaped the world of a democracy.

We can confidently affirm that this great school, through the commitment and rigor of its teachers throughout, has fulfilled its founding mission.

We commend the Faculty of Political Science at UNAM and commend it and those who have devoted the best years of their lives to establishing, developing and consolidating this noble educational institution that has achieved national and international stature.

* Senator (PRI), former Consul General in Chicago, former Ambassador to Cuba and former Federal Representative on two occasions.

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