La Jornada – Purépechas from 60 communities attend the popular exercise today

Morelia, I. The 60 Purépecha communities joining the High Council of Indigenous Peoples of Michoacan (CSIM) have agreed to participate in the popular consultation scheduled for Sunday, including those that did not allow polls to take place in the June 6 elections.

Despite the fact that the National Electoral Institute (INE) did not send reception tables in 12 communities where no polling stations were set up and there was no missionary work by political parties in the last electoral process, the inhabitants of these indigenous peoples, such as Sevina Pichátaro will be able to and San Felipe de Los Herreros, Arantepacua, and Tarícuaro, among others, voting for or against the neighboring towns.

CSIM leader Pavel Guzman said that in communities where reception tables will not be installed, public gatherings will be held, through the Uses and Customs system, and decisions will be handed over to the INE for a decision. Peoples are taken into consideration.

However, “we do not know whether the Electoral College will honor the determination of the authority of the supreme ancestors of these communities.” He stressed that the decision, made through consultations in 60 communities, is for the purpose of the former presidents to explain more than 50 murders and disappearances of Michoacan social leaders and activists during more than five decades.

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