La Jornada Maya – The American Academy of Arts and Sciences elects a UNAM academic as a member

The Director of the UNAM Institute of Biology, Susana Aurora Magallon Puebla, has been elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States.

Since its founding in 1780, world leaders in the arts and sciences, including Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and Marie Curie, have been part of the Academy.

The university student is one of 261 personalities selected in 2022. She is part of Category Two, Biological Sciences, Section 4 “Evolution and Environment”, along with 10 other outstanding scientists from other universities in the world such as Stanford, Princeton and Sydney.

The other Mexican members are: Octavio Paz, Nobel Prize for Literature 1990; University students Markus Moshinsky, Honorary Researcher at the Institute of Physics; José Sarukhán Kermez, former rector of UNAM and founder of the Environment Institute, and Valeria Sousa Saldivar, researcher at the Environment Institute.

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She is a Biologist from UNAM’s Faculty of Science, where she also holds a Master of Science in Plant Biology; Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of California, Davis.

In 2001 he joined the Institute of Biology. His lines of study are the evolution of floral structure, the dynamics of macroevolution of terrestrial plant diversification, and the mechanisms for the acquisition of species richness in highly diverse lineages. These investigations are performed by integrating morphological and molecular data from living and fossil species, and by using the parametric methods of macroevolutionary genetics.

Among his major contributions are the moments method for estimating the rate of diversification, the reference time frame for angiosperms and the estimation of morphological features of the ancestral flower.

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He was responsible for research projects funded by PAPIIT-UNAM and Conacyt, including a project within the Frontiers of Science programme.

She is a pioneer and group leader in major evolutionary genetics in Mexico. It is a global leader in research into floral development and diversification of angiosperms.

Among the awards received are: Isabel Cookson Award (American Botanical Society); Maynard Moseley Award (American Botanical Society); Carling Prize (American Society of Plant Taxonomists). Also the medal Japino Bareda and recognition Sur Juana Ines de la Cruz.

She was appointed Research Associate at the Field Museum, Chicago. He has been a member of the scientific councils of DIVERSITAS (the bioGENESIS core project), the Society of Systemic Biologists and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists.

She was an editor at Mexican Journal of Biodiversity; has evolved; International Journal of Plant Sciences. s The new botany. President of the Society of Systematic Biologists (2017-2019) was elected to special distinction.

Editing: Emilio Gomez

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