Kel Calderón’s Pololo celebrates an important milestone for the influencer

Kiel Calderon announced Thursday, April 21st, a new milestone in his career.

He is a law graduate She will be the first celebrity to co-create two brushes together with British brand Tangle Teezerthat manufactures hair care products.

“you deserve it”

A new milestone was celebrated by her boyfriend, Toto Torrialba, with an emotional message Instagram account.

“tangleteezercl announced yesterday that it will collaborate for the first time in its history with a A digital creator, she’s Chilean and she’s my Calderon‘ He began to tell the dentist.

“You deserve it, working 24/7 non-stop and this is the result of that perseverance, determination, dedication and most importantly… affection. You put so much love into what you do and that fills me with pride. I came to work today with a puffy chest, I have a golden woman, I love you“Toto Torrealba has been added to accompany photos of the event.

“Ayyyyyy 😳😳 🥺🥺 🙈🙈🙈…. ❤️❤️ She died 😭😭”Calderon answered on his part.

Kill Calderon

What does the new Kill Calderon function consist of?

According to what the British company itself posted on its social networks, Kill Calderon will be the first celebrity who will have the opportunity to develop a collaboration with Tangle Teezer.

Chile was chosen to be the first, overtaking even strong markets such as China, Brazil and the United States. Kill Calderon and his team are already working on the two brushes, and we’re sure they’ll love it. At the moment, we can’t reveal anything at all from that. But we know you will want to add it to your collection because it will be unique and beautiful,” as stated in the Tangle Teezer post.

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“The release date is also a complete surprise, but we assure you it will arrive in time. Soon Calderon will travel to UK to visit our factory They oversee the process of making their brushes, as well as create unique and distinctive content that they will be able to see very soon,” the company adds on its Instagram account.

Kill Calderon

ALSO READ: Kill Calderon stole his eyes with his look at Creamfields 2022

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