Juno captured Io, a satellite of Jupiter, with hundreds of erupting volcanoes

probe Jun affiliate Container Take a great shot of AyoSatellite Jupiterwith a large part of the volcanoes in a state of full boil.

Jun Capture the image in the infrared spectrum of what is the most active star in the solar system, with hundreds of volcanoes on its surface, as well as lava flows and lakes glowing with thermal radiation.

Red hell

A mileage of 80,000 km was captured.

According to the Containerthe brighter the red color, the higher the temperature in the combined image.

Ayo It is slightly larger than Earth’s moon. It is famous for its molten lava lakes and volcanic eruptions. Jun It even witnessed an active volcanic plume in late 2018.

Jun Overflights of this satellite are still expected, and the nearest satellite is expected in 2023 and 2024. The researchers will study how Io interacts with Jupiter And how does the moon relate to the aurora borealis of the gas giant? To do this, it will only approach 1,500 km.

Juno and its investigations of Jupiter

Primarily sent to investigate the origin and evolution Jupiter, Juno He was able to make additional observations of the planet’s four main satellites: Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, and now Io.

Procedure near Ganymede in 2021 and Europa earlier this year.

These two moons are of particular interest because they are believed to hide a global ocean of liquid water at depth. The speculation is that both could harbor some form of life.

space ship Jun affiliate Container It was launched in 2011 and took five years to reach Jupiter. Currently, the current mission is scheduled to end in September 2025.

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