Johnson to reset the economy despite the shortage

In the midst of the UK’s supply crisis, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday warned businesses that they must adapt to a post-Brexit reality and seek to attract national labor rather than relying on foreigners, even if that means “short-term” imperfection.

Despite the fuel shortages at gas stations due to the lack of tankers and staff in sectors such as meat or hospitality, Johnson insisted that “there is no labor crisis per se nor a distribution crisis”, but rather that the British economy, in his view, is suffering from “pressure”. Who may suffer from a “giant rising” after the epidemic hibernation.

He insisted the country was at a “tipping point” to leave behind a system that relied on “cheap and low-skilled” foreign labor in favor of a “highly waged and qualified” economy.

“If we look at UK productivity, we have been below our biggest competitor for more than two decades, because we have an approach based on wages, low costs and companies not investing in training or services,” he said. For example, the trucking sector, which said that by not improving wages or investing for years in utilities for their own well-being, it has run out of “young people in the country who want to become truck drivers.”

“This will change and it will be positive,” he added.

In addition, he explained that the British executive has asked the road transport sector to provide the name of foreign drivers who want to go to the UK, but at the moment only 127 drivers have applied. “This indicates that the shortage is global,” she pointed out.

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This government is making things difficult and long lasting. We are done with Brexit, which is very difficult, and now we are going to tackle the big core issues facing the UK.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister ruled out turning misogyny or aversion to women into a hate crime in the country, considering that there are “a lot of legislation” to confront this social scourge.

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