Johnny Depp: This is how Amber Heard celebrated the definitive loss of her ex-husband for the defamation lawsuit against The Sun

distance Johnny Depp He lost the defamation lawsuit against him the sun At the end of 2020, the international media accused the actor of being “an abusive wife” in light of the accusations of his ex-wife, Amber Heard.

The star, who was forced as a result of these charges, and subsequently the court ruling, to leave the Fantastic Animals franchise, attempted to appeal the ruling, but the appeal was rejected.

As indicated The Hollywood ReporterIn a British court, a translator has ruled that the translator will not be able to appeal the Supreme Court’s decision in his defamation suit against the newspaper.

Supreme Court Judge Andrew Nicole ruled in November that the charges were against him Johnny Depp The article was “substantially correct”, as it ruled that the translator assaulted Heard on several occasions.

The same judge rejected the appeal in November 2020, asserting that he did not consider “the proposed grounds for the appeal to have a reasonable likelihood of success.” But it is granted Johnny Depp Until December 7 to submit a direct application to the Court of Appeal.

Depp filed an application with the UK Court of Appeals, but the foundation also agreed to it the sun, Which means Deep He permanently lost his case in the defamation case in England.

This is how Amber Heard celebrated the defeat of Johnny Depp

Through your social networking sites and after knowing the ruling in your favor again, Amber Heard She showed two pictures: One of them was out in a black dress on the day of her divorce and had a bruise on her face, and the other photo was better accompanied by her relatives:

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“A dress, four years apart. Sometimes it is important to wear the same dress twice,” wrote the protagonist, Aquaman. However, after knowing this decision, the attorneys did Johnny Depp They issued a statement.

“The evidence presented at the hearing shows that there are clear and objective reasons to seriously question the decision taken in the UK court. Deep He hopes to present complete and irrefutable evidence of the truth in his defamation case in the United States against Mrs. Hurd. “

Johnny Depp Heard, who recently appeared in Justice League Snyder Cut, is awaiting a lawsuit following an article the actress wrote for the Washington Post in which she recounted the alleged abuse of her by her ex-husband. (With information from Europa Press)


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