It looks like a portal to another dimension, but it's actually a nearby planet that you know a lot about.

This stunning image taken by the James Webb Space Telescope shows us… Uranus!

It looks like a portal to another dimension, but it's actually a nearby planet that you know a lot about.
This is the last image of Uranus taken by the James Webb Telescope.

he James Webb Space Telescopewhich as you know was built and operated jointly by the European Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency and NASA, A revolution in space exploration With power, precision and sensitivity unparalleled in any other device humans have sent into space. In reality, Your photos are very impressive Many of us use them as wallpapers on our devices, which sometimes leaves us speechless Details through which we can see the planets now Even from our solar system, which we thought we knew.

This is the state of the planet Uranuswhich although we can see in detail and in 3D with Google thanks to its exploration tools, now It will likely be displayed in the most detail we've ever seen.This is thanks to some deep field images that James Webb sent us to Earth to show us its rings, some of its 27 moons, and the most prominent stars that we see around it.

The images, of course, were published by NASA Official website of the James Webb Expeditionwhere you will also have Some basic explanations and in non-technical language So you can understand what you see well.

This is Uranus, the ice giant rotating on its side

Until now, thanks to the probe photos Voyager 2 Taken in the 1980s, the truth is we've always had it Believing that Uranus was just a quiet, icy blue ballAlthough the latest scientific developments have allowed us to know this This world is more dynamic and unusual than it seems.

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It is no coincidence that the first thing to know is that this giant frozen ball exists The only planet in the solar system that rotates on its sideThis is probably due to the collision of a massive object with the younger Uranus, which rotated its axis of rotation significantly (about 98 degrees, no less) to Now show us your poles from both sides. And this is not the only advantage, because with Venus they also rotate in the opposite direction to the other planets.

She has too Several rings and up to 27 moonsNo less, we can see many of them labeled in the latest images of James Webb published by NASA:

In the pictures you will see A more detailed look at Uranuswhich looks like a portal to another dimension, but in reality it shows us its episodes in great detail, Even the very weak Zeta ring This is closer to the surface.

Experts also tell us that you can see Several bright storms Near the southern edge of the polar cap, a seasonal cap that displays even clouds and It becomes more apparent when the planet's pole points toward the Sun In a direct way.

The seasons of the planet Uranus are specifically The most extreme in the solar systemIts lateral rotation with an axis at an angle of 98 degrees means that the Sun shines for approximately a quarter of the year at one pole, leaving the other half of the planet in a state. A dark and cold winter that lasts an incredible 21 years.

See also  The James Webb Telescope took a picture of Uranus and you have to see it

Impressive, isn't it? And James Webb is still starting out…

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