ISSSTE alerts for consumption of “azulitos” and “gomichelas”

ISSSTE warns against consumption
ISSSTE alerts for consumption of “azulitos” and “gomichelas”. Photos: Facebook/ISSSTE

The Institute for Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) has warned against consumption “Little Blues” And “Gomechilas”. Why is it harmful? At we share it with you.

ISSSTE alerts for consumption of “azulitos” and “gomichelas”

Within the framework of Nutrition Day, the ISSSTE Association indicated this “Little Blues” And “Gomechilas” I caused overweight In Mexico.

Can be consumed Develop Long-term health problems, e.g DiabetesAs its preparation contains 728 Calories per litre.

According to ISSSTE, in 2022, 1 million 145 thousand 180 Patients 20 years or older diabeticwhich represents A 11.2% increase Compared to 2021.

“There are many things we can take into consideration when evaluating their consumption, one of the most important of which is their sugar and calorie content.”And Al pointed out president Of the training unit School of Dietetics and Nutrition (EDN) from ISSSTE.

On the other hand, the “Little Blues” And “Gomechilas” Can count on the same amount of sugar That soft drinks and Carbonated drinks.

“One gum can contain as much sugar as several soft drinks and sodas. This means that the excess will not provide the nutrients we need to take care of ourselves.detail specialized.

Why are “azulitos” and “gomichelas” harmful according to ISSSTE?

ISSSTE explained that harm can be caused Irreversible In the heart and kidneys Liver Due to the abuse of consuming “Azuletos” and “Gomechilas” since then They don’t contribute No healthy nutrients.

“A good diet helps ensure our health. “It is important to consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and avoid refined and processed foods to avoid getting sick and enjoy an excellent quality of life.”And Al pointed out specialized.

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Likewise, trendy drinks are usually prepared using… Energizingwhich activates Nervous system To provide dynamism and strength, according to ISSSTE.

Meanwhile, in Combine them With alcohol, a shock In the organism, with time passingcan cause Cardiovascular problems.

the School of Dietetics and Nutrition IMSS noted that it is important Take care of health In order to prevent diseases such as diabetes, Hypertension And kidney problems.

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