Introducing the New General Law of the Humanities, Sciences, Technologies and Innovation – El Comentario

with the Helping educators and researchers Colima Universityin the Library Science Campus Science, New View Common Law for the Humanities, Technologies and Innovation by officials in State Council for the Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies.

Initially, he was the General Coordinator for Research at UdeC, Xochitl Trujillo-TrujilloHe said that to him Chancellor Cristian Torres Ortiz Zerminothe scientific reseach Training and development is a fundamental issue in an enterprise; “In this sense, the presentation of this law is very important, because it contains indications both for the academic training of young people who are going to study a degree, as well as for postgraduate courses and research training.”

Finally, stress it out Regional Forum of the National Council for Humanity, Science and Technology In the Cole Universityima is the first to be established in the republic of mexico after the approval of the law, which occurred on may 8 and was published in The Official Gazette of the Union.

Head of the Regional and Sectoral Coordination Unit of CONHACYT, Jose Alejandro Diaz MendezHe pointed out that the new law aims to “clarify all national capabilities that have been built over many years in the field of science, technology and innovation, with the aim of influencing the solution of national problems and giving scientific and technological solvency.” Mexican stateTo solve national problems on scientific and technological grounds.

He pointed out that there is another important point in the law, which is the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological development through access and freedom of knowledge for all people, and it is precisely in research centers in universities, “where there is a great capacity that can give Scientific and technological solvency Our country, in addition, seeks to strengthen national sovereignty through scientific and technological independence and to prove the humane nature of scientific and technological work.

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He added that he also seeks to promote spaces and situations for participation and consultation with the community, which is already happening, for example, in evaluation committees in national search system (SNI), because now, he said, all members of the said system take part in the evaluation and pre-call evaluation committees; “At the research centres, faculty associations have already been established as part of the diagnosis, evaluation and monitoring of policies and action plans in each of them.”

At another time, the official commented that this law was presented to the cameras as an initiative of the federal executive and has been shown so far, explaining, “Because during the last four years of this administration many changes have been made to the original document; this is because it has had to analyze everything that has been done.” It was produced in the polls, in the forums and in the working tables that were done on the law and a final document was reached that tries to take into account the majority of the suggestions.”

He added that the primary objective of the law “is to guarantee the human right to science in accordance with the principles of universality, interdependence, indivisibility and progress, as well as enjoying the benefits of science development and technological innovation. It is the first Common law in Mexico In calling on federal entities and municipalities also to add actions in favor of the humanities, science, technology and innovation as engines of development.

He finally pointed out that through that law the budget of the sector HCTI It may not be descending, but only ascending, so that the annual sum allocated to this item shall not be less than the sum approved in the immediately preceding fiscal year; It also establishes a special batch for basic and frontier sciences in coordination with the SeptemberTo grant technical support to universities and public research centers.

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In his speech, the Western Regional Director of CONHACYT, Dante Ayala OrtizHe pointed out that the issuance of this new law “implies a qualitative shift towards a humanistic science that focuses on the well-being of the people and on solving the main problems and needs of the population; what they are looking for is a transition from a noticeable individual and competitive policy to a policy based on solidarity and objective cooperation.”

He added that as part of the system change, it “aims to move from competitive advantages to collaborative advantages also in the humanities, technology and innovation sector (HCTI); It is a policy that seeks to be modern and effective and promotes the reconciliation of knowledge, both in specialized fields and in the origin of knowledge, as well as in addressing major national problems.

He stressed that the aim is to “promote virtuous communication between government, academia, companies, society and the environment, without ignoring ethnic and rural communities, for which six priority objectives have been proposed for this sector”, among them “strengthening the scientific community, clarifying research ecosystems, and implementing programs National strategy, continue to work hard on frontier science and clarify research capabilities.” Science, technology and innovation for regional and sectoral development.

He added that the sixth and most important point is that all the knowledge that is generated should aim to provide the necessary information for decision-making and the formulation of public policies that have a social impact on the national welfare. For example, very important changes related to strategic national programmes (Bruns) in the sense of directing the work of research groups in solving these major national problems.

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And with the same approach, he said, changes were made to National Graduate System And to organize national search systemSince there has been a paradigm shift regarding universal access to knowledge from a fixed perspective, to a perspective in which the scientific and technological activity of the country can be generalized so that people not only have access to knowledge, but they can also make it their own and it can be used to solve common problems in daily life. “.

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