International Conference on Lupus Effectiveness 2024

International Congress
Lupus Power 2024
Other facts are possible
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
University of Monterrey
From May 23 to 25, 2024

Point of view

The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at Athié-Calleja for the Rights of People with Lupus (Cetlu) brings together academics, researchers, students, specialists, activists, support groups, civic associations and all people involved in health sciences, medical practice, humanities and social sciences that support an interdisciplinary and multi-systems approach in the medical, structural and discursive fields. The institutional, symbolic and social lupus of participation in academic and experimental works at the International Conference Potencia Lupus 2024, and other possible realities.

Hybrid mode

The Potencia Lupus Conference will be held in a hybrid mode, i.e. in person and online.


The headquarters will be the University of Monterrey (UDEM) campus, located in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.


  • Open spaces for scientific, academic, training, experimental and narrative dialogue about lupus.
  • Creating bridges for constructive dialogue between medical knowledge and patients’ procedural knowledge.
  • Promoting fruitful convergence between the humanities and clinical sciences.
  • Supporting the humanistic approach in medical training and the sciences associated with it.
  • Make it clear that people with lupus are taking initiative, activity, initiative, and proactive organizing.
  • Dimensions of possibilities, challenges and realities of genomic research in lupus.
  • Learn about the work of those making an impact on improving the quality of life and strengthening the resilience of people with lupus.


In accordance with its interdisciplinary and multi-systems approach, the Potencia Lupus Conference will receive proposals for participation drawn from research or experience or framed in one of the following thematic axes:

Axis 1. Centers of history, discourse and collectivism
Historical moments generate research, interpretations, discourses, records, actions, initiatives and positions that allow multiple dimensions of health fields to be analysed, understood and identified. In this sense, three general areas are considered:

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1.1 Study of important periods of the world of lupus in its medical, social, psychological, practical and family aspects… For example: the contexts and consequences of Plaquenil deficiency during the Covid-19 pandemic; Methodologies, tools and processes for telehealth consultation in the post-pandemic era; The presence, emergence and spread of lupus in the health system during the 1990s…

1.2 Analysis of discourses, messages, structures, forms and communication interactions between systems, situations, people, medical, social, educational, training and media intermediaries… For example: the discursive structure of information campaigns about lupus in health centres; Relationships between medical language and patient adherence to treatment; Terms, implications, admissions and omissions from the legal language regarding lupus…

1.3 A reflexive account of taking agency in the formation of groups, associations, support groups, institutions, spaces of containment, dissemination initiatives… For example: assets, projects and training outcomes of the Mariposas gaming community group in Guerrero; Trips, Learning and Alliances for the Torres Foundation in Zapopan; Taking over public space for lupus awareness actions…

Axis 2. Scientific, diagnostic and societal maps
Technological, medical and informational contemporaneity raises new fields. Taking emerging discoveries and uncertainties into account allows us to predict the new conditions under which the disease will be treated. From this contemporary perspective, three general areas emerge:

2.1 Scientific aspects after decoding the human genome, with an emphasis on the extension of lines, the expansion of possibilities, the multiplication of instrumental use, and the emergence of new ethical obligations. For example: research on lupus in biotechnology, biochemistry, bioethics…

2.2 Methods, processes and contexts of timely diagnosis from health systems, medical practices, academic training, local infrastructures… For example: statistical presence and theoretical framework of lupus in medical and health sciences study programmes; Analysis of the experiences and learning of frontline clinicians in the health clinic; From my community to the capital. Odyssey Chronicles for an accurate diagnosis.

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2.3 Analytical organization of therapeutic practices and experiences of activity, shelter and accompaniment… For example: the value, need and planning of subjective experiences in the doctor-patient relationship to enhance the connection with treatment; Autobiographical, community, and fictional narratives as therapeutic contributions to the support group; Physical, leisure and recreational activities as catalysts for solidarity networks in leisure communities.

Axis 3. Multidisciplinary, multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives
Lupus is an issue that transcends medical, work, social, family and identity issues, among many other areas. Accounting for these events and their impact on each patient's unique experience and environment presents an opportunity to piece together a history of health and lupus. Based on this certainty, three general areas are identified:

3.1 Research, experiences, and analytical proposals that address the unique path of people with lupus from the areas of work, legal, sports, psychological, and contractual…

3.2 Research that includes methods, methodologies, and research that demonstrates the dialogic porosity of scientific disciplines. For example: statistical analysis of the basic triad: nutrition, proportions and eating habits in people with lupus; Relational proposals between clinical research and medical anthropology; Economic and psychological consequences for families of people with lupus

3.3 Study projects, initiatives, documents and files that establish narratives, discourses, actions, proposals and activations to identify expectations and paths that break the archetypes of the sick person.

Categories of business calls


Presentations for participation in a working group
Presentations for personal engagement
Pre-recorded presentations for online presentation

In this method, proposals for participation in completed or in-process theoretical, methodological and empirical work that are positioned in one of the three thematic axes of the conference and meet the following characteristics will be accepted:

  • Format: Word document in Times font, 12 point, 1/2 spaced.
  • Maximum document length: 3,500 characters with spaces.
  • Authorship: Full name of the person responsible for the proposal. If the proposal is joint, each participant must register separately.
  • Axis and sphere: indicated by number (example: axis 3.1)
  • Membership: An institution, group, or association.
  • Location: entity and state.
  • structure: title; Presentation of the research problem; theoretical perspective; Methods; results; Conclusions. Contribute to knowledge of the disease or quality of life of a person with lupus; References.
  • Language: Spanish, English or Portuguese.
  • Basic concepts: 3
  • References: APA format (this requirement may be omitted in experimental works).
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Posters for personal display
Posters for online exhibition

In this method, poster proposals framed in one of the three themes of the conference and presented in accessible language and with appropriate visual elements, projects, progress or results of research, experiences and works will be accepted in three ways:

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate theses or projects.
  • Research results or interventions.
  • Narrator, activist, or publicist of lupus experiences

These proposals must be prepared using the downloadable form on the conference platform and accompanied by an abstract with the following characteristics:

  • Format: Word document.
  • Authorship: Full name of the person responsible for the proposal. If the proposal is joint, each participant must register separately.
  • Axis and field: indicated by number (example: axis 3.1)
  • Type of work: thesis, results or experiments
  • Membership: An institution, group, or association.
  • Location: entity and state.

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important dates

Receiving proposals: from January 20 to April 20, 2024

Notification of accepted proposals: April 25 to 28, 2024

Lupus Energy Conference: May 23-25, 2024

Reception of longer presentations and posters for publication in the conference report: May 26 to June 26, 2024.

For questions and doubts write to [email protected]

Conference website:

See the full call>>

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