International accreditations for medical researchers

Continuing education of a physician is not “an option but a necessity”. From this both hypothesis Collective medical organization (OMC) in the name of The IDIS Foundation At the time of stressing the importance of “modernizing health professionals in their daily lives” and recognizing this work through accreditation.

Therefore, in addition to achieving international accreditation verification, the SEAFORMEC, Which is an accredited professional body of the World Trade Organization, will promote recognition of Continuous medical professional development, In relation to the supplementary activities the physician undertakes to update their learning.

This recognition yet External accreditation systems, Will be implemented in 3 areas. Thus, as of October, CME teachers (FMC), Los Scientific article reviewers and text authors In these publications they will obtain International Credits (ECMECC) for their activity.

They can also request this with Retroactively Professionals who have carried out some of these training positions in the past five years, explained Arkady Gual, entity director and professor of medicine at the University of Barcelona. In the case of reviewers of articles, the expert considers it appropriate that they are them Publishers who demand this recognition In front of the individual request that requires the rest of the reasons.

International accreditation validation

The SNS credits equalization and ECTS It will, in turn, allow the removal of obstacles that some clinicians find when it comes to validating their training acquired in international countries in General job offers So far, this type of accreditation has not been counted in many PEOs, Gual says, highlighting efforts in recent years to create certification programs similar to those of UEMS.

Going forward, the supporting document includes correspondence between the Continuing Training System or SNS professional credentials with ECMECC or AMA Pra 1, which is occupied by 90 percent of FMC physicians. This training does not “give a new title” to the worker, but rather Update your skills as a specialist. That is the reason MIR will be excluded from this system-Because even if they did take courses during their stay, they would not be recognized under this category and they might even face problems being recognized in PEOs in the future.

The epidemic also made the entity see the need to get to know A. Face-to-face activityAlthough it is electronic and as long as the student stays online “during the time the activity continues and has the potential to interact in some way.”

Certified private healthcare training

With regard to the re-accreditation process, which is generating “general concerns,” SEAFORMEC believes that a consensus is needed between Professional societies, scientific societies and health administrationThe only person who has the authority up to the moment to formalize the process. Ghawal warns, “If we do it well, the ministry should listen to us. If we do not, it will sooner or later draft a decree-law for its own administrative structure.”

In any case, it must have continuous medical training “The doctor’s commitment to the organization”, Which “should enhance the training of professionals,” explained Marta Villanueva, Director-General of The IDIS Foundation. “In addition to the challenge of keeping pace with developments, there is a cross-section that forces us to train and accredit,” he added, when talking about the authority’s commitment to this learning. In this sense, Juan Abarka thanked the World Trade Organization for the extraordinary opportunity it will provide to all members of the private health sector to be able to accredit their training activities and courses through its platform.

System guarantees Quality, Guarantee, Ease and Alignment With the regulations of the rest of the world, according to Thomas Cobo, president of the World Trade Organization, governed by the priority goal of assisting medical professionals “in their ethical obligation to be modernized in the face of patients.” He insists that “all this continuous training remains not only in training but also in accreditation.”

Although it may contain statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that you consult the reader on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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