Increase in exports and imports

Navarre merchandise exports reached between January and June of this year a valued at 4,862 million euros, which is a file 12.5% ​​increase compared to the same period last year. import quantity 2815.2 million euros, a 31.5% increase compared to the same period in 2020.

the cars, the most important component of exports, was recorded a 22.4% increase in sales volume. This growth is mainly due to increased sales in France, with a Variation rate 82.4%.

The rest of the exports without taking into account the automotive sector, grow 9.1%, and demonstrate good behavior ” Spare parts for engines and generators‘Who – which’ 24.3% increase And, ‘Legumes and vegetables‘ With 13.9% increase, informed the Statistics Institute of Navarra.

The main recipient countries of Navarrese exports are, in terms of economic quantity, France, Germany, the United States, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Highlights the increase in sales volumes to France (34.3%), Italy (14.5%) and the United States (12.2%).

With regard to imports from Navarra, the main one is “Auto parts and accessorieswho scores a 26.2% increase. This increase is mainly due to increased purchases from the Czech Republic (97.4%) and Poland (51.4%). Highlights the increase in games”Reaction catalysts and accelerators…With a growth of 207.1%.

all over Spain Exports grow 23.3% compared to the same period in 2020 and imports 20.3%.

in June

the exports Navarre merchandise registered in June a worth 881.4 million euros, which is a file 6.4% increase Respect for the same month the previous year. the imports they arrive at valued at 481.4 million euros, Figure A 31.6% higher than that recorded in the same month of 2020.

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When compared to pre-pandemic levels, Exports down 6.2% and imports increase by 1% Compared to June 2019.

The trade balance, or the difference between exports and imports, takes place in Navarra a A positive result of 400 million euros and a decrease of 13.5%. Regarding the same period in the previous year.

Coverage rate, obtained between exports and imports, It stands at 183.1% and goes down 43.2 percentage points Compared to June 2020.

In Spain, Exports in June this year increased by 22% and the imports 35.1%. The trade balance of the whole of Spain is -977.7 million euros. The coverage ratio is 96.6%., 10.4 percentage points lower than the previous year.

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