In was applauding the mockery of capitalism

It was. – Lumiere’s room at Cannes erupted to applause for nearly 10 minutes when the credits emerged for Swedish director Robin Ostlund’s “Triangle of Sorrow”, which laughs at capitalism and its excesses, by mocking distinct characters by setting them up. In extreme cases.

The film has the backing of Giulio Chavismontes, a Mexican piano production company, as well as others such as BBC Film (UK) and Danish Film (Denmark).

The Mexican producer proved to be one of the finalists in the concert competition. Last year with two films: Melancolía and Annette. The former won the Jury Prize and the latter the Best Director award with Leos Carax.

For Alice Krueger, a Finnish producer, she told EL UNIVERSAL, “It’s a very interesting, interesting and refreshing movie to watch at Cannes because despite touching on critical issues, it makes you laugh and have fun.”

According to Rabbi Helder, publicist for Tik Tok, “Ruben Ostlünd achieves a rare combination of artistic theater and film that is perfect for captivating audiences. He has the perfect balance between originality and commercialism, and that is the hardest thing to achieve.”

“Watching this movie was a unique experience,” said Brazilian film critic Marianne Jaffe.

Robin Ostlund already has the Palme d’Or for The Square, where the perversion of the bourgeoisie, the subject of his passion, is the center of the acclaimed film that also won an Academy Award.

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