In force, Konahset’s new organic platform

Laura Boy Solano

La Jornada newspaper
Saturday, July 1, 2023, p. 14

Posted yesterday by the National Council for the Humanities, Science, and Technology (Conahcyt). The Official Gazette of the Union the statute where it establishes its new structure and organization, as well as the faculties of its administrative units and the entities of which they are composed; Among them, the Public Centers for Human and Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation, and the Interministerial Committee for Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (Cibiogem).

In the context of the new General Law for Humanities, Sciences, Technologies and Innovation, the National Council, in addition to the Board of Directors and the General Directorate, will coordinate communication and international cooperation, and coordinate research and future repositories, in addition to two attached directorates, namely human and scientific research, technological development, connectivity and innovation. In addition to the segmental and regional articulation units; Legal Affairs; for administration and finance, as well as the executive secretariat of Cibiogem.


▲ In this file photo, María Elena Alvarez Buela, director of the National Council for the Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies.Photo by Marco Pelaez

The new statute in force highlights in its fourth article that in order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, Persons who have claims or proceedings pending against the National Council may not be members of or be invited to attend sessions of bodies provided for in this Basic Law or those established and administered by Conahcyt..

Confirms non-compliance with this authorization will result in administrative penalties provided for in the General Code of Administrative Responsibilities, without prejudice to others provided for in other applicable legal provisions.

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Likewise, it indicates that, within a period not exceeding 30 days, from the date of entry into force of the new Articles of Association, Conahcyt shall issue the corresponding organization manuals, and highlights that the Administration and Finance Unit will retain the necessary powers Coordination, with the support of the Legal Affairs Unit, Formalizing the extinction of trusts established under the now repealed Science and Technology Act.

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