IMSS: Sports, the best preventative medicine (3)

Of course, IMSS has all the resources to get back to the first level it was a few years ago, before it was plunged into oblivion by previous administrations. But for that, the efforts of all are required to achieve this noble purpose; What better opportunity now with the political will to make the necessary changes and, incidentally, to implement new regulatory standards that respond to the needs of the institution.

Sure, nothing is better than regular exercise and sports to stay healthy, but without losing sight of the important foundation of any structure: a balanced diet. This pending subject that has not been taught properly, neither in school nor at home. As is known, without a good diet nothing guarantees health. Hence the importance that everything should go hand in hand to prevent diseases that can be avoided.

Milenio Diario – CONTINUED: We are proud to say: the sport has returned to IMSS. On December 10, we presented the IMSS 2021 State Sports Award to Martha Paula Estrada, a beach volleyball player, and Jaime Yudial Melgar, a cyclist. That is why there are athletes of international stature, such as Hector Hugo Hernán Segura, Amalia Pérez Vásquez, Guillermo Pérez Sandoval, Mariana La Barbe Juárez, Yahil Castillo and Horacio Lamas Gray. There we advocate the conviction of achieving not only the past glory of Social Security, but also transcending it, so that no one is left behind and no one left behind, and betting on sports as the best preventative medicine.

Imagination and reality are a bridge between childhood and adulthood

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But to become a high-performance athlete, like those who brought glory to Mexico, and whose facilities IMSS served as a “stepping stone” to achieving its goals, required a corporate orientation dedicated to constant vigilance in the implementation of plans and programs responsible for this purpose. Of course not all of them will be high performers, but they could be a lot more if consistency is the rule. And nothing is better, Metro said. Robledo Oporto: Sport is the best preventative medicine. This is the historical goal of IMSS: Prevent!

Ambition is the human limit

Because of its importance, and for general knowledge, since it is official information, we are addressing parts of the Hope in the future article, published at Milenio Diario- 12-28-21 and also written by Mtro. Zoe Robledo Oporto, Managing Director of IMSS. …an institution like IMSS, with nearly 80 years of life, has been there when it was most needed, past and present. That’s why we believe, like Cardenas and Renan, that IMSS is the future to which the mind belongs. The historical reason for treating the pandemic Yes, but without forgetting to take care of other diseases.

Through the National Recovery of Regular Service Strategy launched in April, outpatient consultation spaces were improved, appointment recovery units were used, and 14 day surgery was held. This allows us to close 2021 with 80 million family medicine consultations, 13 million specialist consultations, and 989,000 surgeries. If we consider 2019 as another normal year, we will shut down 75 percent of what was accomplished in the year prior to the pandemic. It is estimated that most of the world’s countries will shut down at 50 percent. He follows…

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We wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2022 to all readers of EL HERALDO DE MÉXICO!

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Read on:

IMSS: Sports, the best preventative medicine (1)

IMSS: Sports, the best preventative medicine (2)

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