Immaculate Conception students won an award at Expo Ciencias 2022

Valentina Subarzo and Barbara Packer, high school B students at the Immaculate Conception Institute in Valdivia, won the “Research with Best Health Presentation” award at the 2022 National Science Fair.

The students were supported by the Medical Technology course at the University of Santo Tomas Valdivia, where they conducted research on the antimicrobial effect of the exoskeleton of mussels and oysters on bacteria of clinical importance.

The National Science Fair 2022 was held in Santiago and organized by the International Movement for Scientific and Technical Entertainment in Latin America (Milset Amlat), through Fundación Club Ciencias Chile, in which 65 teams from Chile participated along with other teams. , which represents a total of 119 scientific projects.

It was there that the students were awarded the “Research with the Best Projection in Health” award presented by the Faculty of Health of the Central University of Santiago, consisting of credits for the participation, represented by Chile, in the International Youth Science Forum in London 2023 to be held over two weeks at the London International Forum. Youth for Science (Liysf).

Valentina Subarzo commented: “It was a beautiful experience, full of learning and fun, as we had to present our work and meet other people with great projects, something that will always have a place in my heart.”

“I would like to thank my teacher Francesca and my partner Barbara, without them this would not have been possible and all the people who have supported us on this beautiful adventure,” he added.

The student’s teacher, Francesca San Martín, explained that this is the first time that the Immaculate Conception Institute and the University of Santo Tomas have worked together to develop Explora research.

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“We loved the experience. We hope to continue to forge alliances between scholars and university students in the post-science field. We want to thank the continued support of our scientific advisors, because without them none of this would have been possible.”

Maria Paz Miro, Academy of Medical Technology, commented that the race opened the doors of their labs so that students could work and develop their research project.

“This activity was developed within the framework of the School Research and Innovation Program (IIE 2022), organized by PAR Explora Los Ríos. The research was effectively conducted between May and September of this year, and as an institution, we are convinced that these growth experiences are implanted in our youth Desire to change the world and encourage them to develop critical thinking based on the world around them,” he commented.

The research will be presented at the XIX Los Ríos 2022 Regional Conference for the Collaborative Project to be held on November 9, 10 and 11 at the new Tapuada Centre.

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The Medical Technology course at the University of Santo Tomas, Valdivia Campus also supported students from the Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Valdivia School in developing research as part of the Scholastic Research and Innovation Program.

Consultation in the disciplinary laboratories of the profession took place during the second semester and its objective was to assess the effect of human settlements on the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the Santa Ines wetlands in the Isla Teja sector of Valdivia.

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“It is a great success for educators to open university spaces for secondary or basic education students to research, with the intent of contributing to the interest in the development of scientific knowledge, since the impact they generate in personal training is the knowledge that that they acquire in the process of investigation is greater than the knowledge they gain in the process of investigation.”

The results of this research will also be presented at the 19th Los Rios Regional Collaborative Project 2022 Regional Conference.

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