Illiteracy and medicine

At the end of primary school, a large percentage of Mexican girls and boys could read with difficulty or hardly read. The current Minister of Public Education, Leticia Ramirez, who replaced her Delfina Gomez Alvarez On August 15, or failing that, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, who left the Secretariat on February 15, 2021, should know whether or not the statement that begins with this article is true. They must also answer how many children or adults have been literate since the assumption Lopez Obrador As the president of our country and the head of the three. Esteban’s opinion is essential: After 26 months working in education, what are your achievements?

Reading and writing are essential commodities. From reading and writing, education and knowledge flourish, and hope for autonomy. The preceding words are obligatory preamble: AMLO and the Ministers of Health, Economy and Education, etc., and I promised a lot at the beginning of the six-year period; One of his goals, wonderful if achieved at 2%, was for our nation to have a health system similar to that of Finland, England or Sweden. Today, the distance in health, and not in kilometers, has increased with European countries. What is born bad over time gets worse. So we are. Without sufficient education and illiteracy – there is illiteracy for illiteracy, read Trump or Bolsonaro– It is impossible to think of health, minimum health, the center of which lies in the person endowed with letters and words as a source of decision-making. An educated person must understand what he reads. Doing so gives you the power to accept or refute, analyze and conclude. In health, these conditions are essential. In Mexico, incomplete literacy is a burden whose burden precludes protest and demand.

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Sufficient is the example of the majority of government hospitals, especially the poorest ones, where doctors, due to their enormous workload, in countless cases, do not know the name of the patient and do not review him or provide sufficient information. which prevents patients from doing so. Taking ownership of their cause and exercising that wonderful goodness and independence (mandatory parenthesis: I don’t blame doctors, work pressure, and… lack of input does not work as it should).

Paulo FreireBrazilian educator and philosopher, explains. Leticia Ramirez better read that. The beginning and end of education, as it included the concept of health, is a process whose leitmotif is to train a person to formulate and implement his life project. Freire proposed, as part of “liberating education”, that “human beings learn not only to read ‘the word’ but also to read ‘their world'”. Education—illiteracy—in health is a pillar of the individual society and the state. Disease prevention is less expensive than its treatment. From critical knowledge—knowing how to read—emerge goods such as self-reflection, the focus of which allows one to question one’s social status, the individual, society, and the interpretation of reality. Health requires a critical and reflective human being.

Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America. Various reports, including the National Institute’s report Statistics and geographyIt is estimated that there are about five million illiterate people in the country, most of whom are indigenous people and women. Our nation has historic commitments to education. If Esteban, Delfina and Letizia proudly wear a shirt Fourth shiftThey should sit with the sixth graders and explore their ability to read. It is best to practice medicine when people understand what they are reading.

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