Human Medicine and STUAZ Recognize Cesar Mendoza for Retirement

After 30 years of service at UAZ, managers and leaders praised his work at a special ceremony.

The Academic Unit of Human Medicine and Health Sciences presented a tribute to worker Cesar Mendoza Villegas on the occasion of his retirement.

At the event held at Andreas Vesalius Aula Magna, authorities, faculty and administrators, as well as family and friends gathered.

Medical recognition Responsible for granting the recognition was the Director of the Academic Unit for Human Medicine and Health Sciences, Rosa Martha Covarrubias Carrillo, who recognized the work done by César Mendoza Villegas over 19 years in this unit.

On behalf of the UAZ Workers’ Union, the Secretary of the organization, Marco Antonio Chávez Medellín, came to give another recognition for his 30 years of service in the institution, who was represented by the Secretary General of STUAZ, María by Carmen Saucedo Ríos.

Likewise, the Academic Secretary and Administrative Secretary of UAMHyCS, Elda Araceli García Mayorga and Martha Lorena García Macías, respectively, were present, as well as the Administrative Staff Delegate, Manuel Ledezma Gaytán. your social media marketing partner

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